Important stuffs

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Hi! Um... Ok! This is a fanfiction with multiple authors but we still need to do the boring stuff...

We Do Not Own Harry Potter or his friends! If you recognise it, it isn't ours. (Some parts are directly from the books) All rights go to JK Rowling and her associates. If you recognise it, it isn't ours...As much as we want to own it, we don't so... 🙁

We are definitely NOT authors this was just something we thought up when we were bored at school. This fanfic has LGBTQ+ relationships; swearing; death; stuff like that; Minor Ron Bilius Weasley and Albus Too-Many-Names Dumbledore bashing; James and Lily live story; back in time story; don't like, don't read; the canon plot is thrown out the window from the first chapter; We tried keeping times similar but they might be wrong (Google doesn't always work);...Times are in 24-hour we don't know what else to say so without further a due. We present to you... House Hogwarts! 

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