Chapter 21

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July 20 8:00

The rest of the year flew by in a similar manor; they would go to classes, study, eat, hang out with friends and sleep (using the time turners as necessary). Soon it was July 20 and the students where packing their stuff ready to go home the next day. Lily was six month pregnant, due September, and they (James and Lily) had decided to keep the gender a surprise until the birth although they had names (Three of each because after having triplets you begin to expect multiple babies) Melody Anne, Yasmin Willow and Abigail Shannon for a girl and Draven Alexander, Michael Kyle and Xavier Cameron for a boy. The mirror had done it's duty, refusing to give the stone to Quirrell, until Professor Dumbledore showed up. He (Quirrell) was now in a ministry holding cell.

July 21 8:00

The next day the group boarded the Hogwarts Express and set of for Kings Cross. The Holidays had begun. 

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