Chapter 26

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September 1 18:00

Soon it was time for the sorting, the Rider children having blocked out Aunt Minnie's ramblings for the second time. They knew this time they would meet some of their friends' parents, hell, Even their own parents were their age now! They knew this so they payed attention to the sorting and tried picking out both future death eaters and the parents of some of their closest friends.

"Black, Sirius" It had begun, the hat seemed to debate along time before coming to conclusion Sirius was a Gryffindor, Hailey saw his face as he sat down, he was scared. After informing the others they agreed to keep that look as far off his face as they could.

"Bones, Amelia" The future head of the DMLE strode up to the hat and sat down with it on her head, it took a moment before the hat placed her in Hufflepuff soon followed by her twin brother, Susan's father, David.

It took about a minute for "Evans, Lily" to be placed in Gryffindor the Rider children knew from her stories it was because it was debating between Gryffindor, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, Gryffindor for her bravery, Hufflepuff for her kindness or Ravenclaw for her smarts.

"Lupin, Remus" The nervous young boy walked towards the hat and, as if scared of the very idea, let Minnie place the Sorting Hat on his head. As soon as it was on he jerked as if burned before slowly relaxing and the hat called out "Gryffindor" and the table to the far right exploded in a cacophony of sound, making the child in question wince, the Rider children felt sorry for him, the full moon was tomorrow after all.

Once the hall had quieted down Minnie called the next name, "Longbottom, Frank" it didn't even touch his head before the hat yelled Gryffindor. "McKinnon, Marlene" was a Gryffindor and then "Pettigrew, Peter" was called and the Rider children practically growled as the rat ran to the front... before tripping on his robes and flying into the teacher's table causing the entire hall to burst out laughing, everyone knew behind their hands the teachers were chuckling as well, the rat finally found it's way to the hat and, because of his lack of a personality, it took the hat five minutes to sort him into Gryffindor, disgust barely concealed in it's tone.

The Riders sat up straighter when "Potter, James" was called as, despite knowing he would be in Gryffindor, this was the last of the Marauders and their father. True to their thoughts the hat didn't need to be placed on his head before it was yelling Gryffindor.

"Rider, Hailey" It didn't take much convincing for the Hat to put Hailey in Gryffindor, she was the heiress of all four founders, she could do as she wished, and is she asked for herself and her siblings, blood or not, to be placed into Gryffindor, well, he just asked for front row seats in the audience for the show.

"Shackbolt, Kingsley" that drew their attention, they didn't know their parents went to school with Shack "Ravenclaw"

"Snape, Severus" Everyone straightened at that, the hat didn't touch his greasy locks before the hat had declared him a Slytherin.

After the feast and Dumbledore's speech (If it could be called that) they trekked their way up to Gryffindor Tower and collapsed into bed, they can introduce themselves tomorrow.

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