Chapter 32

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September 8 8:30

A week after the beginning of second year and Hailey and Lily were once again talking to the other members of the group. They, as a group, decided during the Saturday of the next weekend (The next day) Hailey, Heather, Harry and Neville would brew the Animagus potion (James and Sirius had started calling it the AAA potion, the name stuck). They were to brew enough for 8 people (Sirius asked for a dose for his brother, Regulus and Frank asked for a dose for his betrothed, Alice, both of whom would be joining in their second year, Hailey agreed with the promise no-one would teach them until at least their second year, unless a natural Animagus, it can be dangerous when taught any younger).

September 9 9:00

Saturday had arrived. Everyone was stoked, they wanted to know what animals they were; they potion only showed them their form, they still had to study their animals and meditate to safely transform.

The Riders agreed as the best Potions Mistress, Hailey would make the potion with the help from the others for if one single thing goes wrong, something isn't prepared right or if the potion simmers too long, the potion becomes an ingested poison, killing the drinker in seconds. They had sound-proofed their 'lab' so outside sounds don't come in and distract them, only if it is an emergency, like a fire, would they know what is going on outside those four walls.

Hailey placed a cauldron half-filled with water on the flame and waited for the water to boil. When it did, she stuck out her hand and said "Porcupine Quill." within seconds she had it passed to her by the human chain that was her siblings; Harry was stood in the storage closet, Neville a few feet behind him, Heather halfway between him and Hailey, Harry would collect the needed ingredient, walk it to Neville who would walk over and pass it to Heather who would walk the rest of the way to Hailey's outstretched hand.

They worked like this for four hours, the only sounds in the room the bubbling cauldron and Hailey's occasional ingredient demand.

"Alright." Hailey breathed "Now it just has to simmer for..." She checked the parchment "two hours. Ok, I say we go grab brunch, go find the rest of our group and go chill by our tree until 10:50 when I need to come take the potion off the simmer." The others nodded, left the room, warded it and went to swing by the kitchen for something to eat.

September 9 11:00

As soon as her alarm went off, Hailey lifted the cauldron off the flame and turned it off. She had just completed the most complicated potion she had ever heard of, in either of her timelines... And she did it successfully. 

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