Chapter 29

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December 31 11:59

School had been back in session for a week but, being Gryffindors, they had found another thing to celebrate; New Years. It was now the last ten seconds of the year and everyone was pairing up for the kissy bit. This year's line up was: Hailey and Marlene, Heather and Sirius, Neville and Severus, Harry and Frank, James and Lily, Peter sat in the corner by himself, glaring at Hailey's back. They started to count down from ten:









As the bell tower struck midnight, they kissed, well, everyone but Peter did, he was wondering how hard it would be to Imperio Marlene into dating him, besides, she had told no-one she was a lesbian and liked girls, no-one but him. By the end of the night he had decided to give her Amortentia instead. His mind set, he stalked off to bed. Never noticing the green eyes that sees all. Because he had gotten one thing wrong, Marlene did come out to someone, that someone was a seer named Hailey. A tear rolled down her cheek, being a seer hurts sometimes, when you see something happen to friends or family and can do nothing to stop it... 

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