Chapter 14

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December 20 9:00

The four children and their friends spent the trip home in silence; The Granger girl's death hanging over them like a dark, grey cloud. To add insult to injury, it was Christmas and the children were expected to have fun, relax and be merry with their families. The only time anyone spoke was when Draco invited the others to the annual Malfoy Christmas Ball. Too soon for anyone to have liked, the Hogwarts Express was rolling into the station. Trunks clattered to the ground, Hedwig and Apollo flapped wildly in their cages while Aurora and Griff ran underfoot barking all the while. Due to them being teachers, Lily and James already knew about The Death and didn't hold it against the teens when they went straight up to their rooms and stayed there until dinner where they joined the rest of their family with blotchy, red-rimmed eyes and snotty noses, they weren't bothered to hide it, everyone knew they were crying; mourning the loss of innocence, of a life that couldn't be saved. 

December 24 21:00

It was December 24th by the time the teens were (almost) back to normal and, from some encouragement from the other Potters, were getting ready for the Malfoy ball.

It really helps to be a Metamorph sometimes Hailey mused as she disposed of the last of the blotchiness around her eyes, put on make up and styled her hair (A half-bun with the rest of her hair cascading down her back, once she had her outfit on she added a ribbon around the bun in the same colour) with just a thought. She looked around the room, Heather was digging through a pile of formal robes for the perfect outfit and had her heels by the sofa, her hair and make up already done in the same style. Like their birthday, all available surfaces that weren't too close to the doors were covered in outfits. The duo eventually settled on matching kimono-like robes with white accents and accessories, Hailey's were baby blue while Heather's were pale green.

 Once their outfits were complete and the proper charms to survive the night had been cast, they went looking for the boys, they didn't need to look far though as they soon found the boys waiting outside the hall door. They were wearing long, black, bulky robes (with cooling charms) with red trims (Harry) or yellow trims (Neville) with black shoes and their hair was brushed and neatly pushed out their eyes and held there with gel (Neville's was short while Harry Morphed his short for the night).

With the getting-ready stage over and done with the children wasted no time joining their parents (Lucas was staying with Sirius) and portkeying to Malfoy Manor for the ball. The ball started at 10pm, due to the girls' taking so long to get ready they arrived late and got there at 10 past.

December 25 00:55

It was the early hours of the morning when four tired children flooed back into Potter Manor dumping two wasted adults on the floor by the fire, asked the house elves for pillows and blankets (For them and their parents) and collapsed on the sofas, falling asleep in seconds 

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