Chapter 19

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February 20 9:00

After the decade long game on the 15th the Gryffindor/Slytherin game on the 20th was a welcome change as it only lasted one hour as opposed to the seven and a half that was the Hogwarts/Gryffindor match.

However no-one from House Hogwarts was even there, they were in the library, Hagrid had given them some very important information the other day regarding the third floor. Apparently one of Hagrid's pets, Fluffy, was guarding something for Dumbledore and a Nicholas Flamel, and, being eleven years old, or the Weasley Twins, a mystery is better served solved. They had spent multiple days in there, all knowing of the name, none remembering where from, until Blaise got involved, he found the information within five minutes of being there before going to the Quidditch game. Hailey brought the book back to the table, 365 famous inventors and philosophers, and opened it to the correct page and began to softly read aloud.

"Nicolas Flamel is a historical character. Flamel lives in France in the fourteenth century and is supposed to have discovered how to make a Philosopher's Stone, known to give the Elixer of Life, making the drinker immortal and can change any metal to pure gold. There are mentions of sightings of him through the centuries because he was supposed to have gained immortality. There are still streets named after Flamel and his wife Perenelle in Paris." She read before whisper-shouting "That's it! That's what Fluffy's guarding, The Philosopher's Stone." causing the others to start whispering, the mystery solved, they left it alone and headed back to the common room.

April 1 00:00

It was April 1, the twins' birthday, midnight as the twins birthday was born to be exact and the decorations where going up and by decorations I mean pranks, April 1, the day of pranks... the day the pranksters become the pranked. They went to bed with giant smiles. When they wake up they will have the biggest laugh ever.

April 1 10:00

The twins woke late, even better for the plans, the cling wrap attached to their faces and they stumbled into the trip hook, tripping them into the colour-change charm and the saw themselves in the mirror and stumbled back, straight into the plank of wood keeping the cream pies up. Their breakfasts had transfiguration charms added to them and they had Verateserum-spiked Pumpkin Juice. The pranksters had well and truly been pranked, and they loved it. By the end of the day they had long hair, antlers, red noses, whiskers, their hair was pink and their skin was orange with purple spots and their robes were blue with green and yellow accents; and of course, they wore it with pride and were upset when the effects wore of after dinner. But then their party started...

April 2 4:00

Hailey pulled the party to a close at four in the morning as everyone (Even herself a little bit) was drunk and most of them had a quidditch game in the morning, the finals, against Slytherin.

April 2 13:00

Once they hit the air the 'fog' in their brains lifted and they played to the best of their abilities. It payed off. They won the finals 250/10 and left the pitch, there was a party to be thrown in the common room.

April 3 12:00

They were lucky it was a Sunday, the party was still in full swing at midday, it would probably be the early hours of the next morning before they finally passed out from the alcohol. They all knew how to hold their liquor apparently... except Draco, he passed out after his first drink. 

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