You're my what?

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A filler chapter/drabble. I made when half asleep at 5 o'clock this morning.
Devon's p.o.v

I was currently in Algebra class with Lexy, we were going over something about finding volume of cylinders or whatever. I wasn't really paying attention, I was busy replaying a moment with Jake that I had in the hallway before coming to this class.


"And then I saw this amazing work of graffiti on the wall across the street and inspiration just literally struck me and I knew I had to get to work." Jake eagerly spoke. He was showing me a picture of this oil work he spent the weekend working on and how he got the idea for it's concept. I was just smiling and savoring every word he said.

There are only certain times when Jake would speak to me so freely, usually he always sounded nervous. I loved seeing him this way. He just looked so angelic when he was smiling and genuinely engaged in a conversation.

Lexy and Junior then walked up to us holding hands. "What are we talking about boys? Hopefully not the psycho ginger doll we all hate." Lexy stated. "Never mention him again please." I respond. "With pleasure" she & Junior spoke in unison. "And please for my sake don't do that" Jake says while cringing. "Do what?" Junior asks. "The speaking at the same time thing, it's one of my top 5 pet peeves" Jake explains.

Lexy and Junior share a look before gazing back at Jake and responding "Oh really? Does this make you uncomfortable?" Jake visibly cringes yet again. "I am so glad me and Devon aren't that kind of couple" he responds. At this statement I feel my eyes bulge and my mouth slightly open.

Did he really just say that we're... dating?? Before anyone can respond the bell for 4th period rings and Jake heads to the gym while shouting a short "bye" with Junior heading to the auditorium for class. Lexy heads towards the math room and once I get my legs to work I slowly trail behind her.

Flashback over

I hear Mr. Horonly call my name as he seems to be noticing that I'm not paying attention. I shake away my thoughts with a quick head movement before looking up ahead and facing the teacher. "I'm sorry, what?" is my response and he just shakes his head before telling me to pay attention. I nod and then class continues to drone on and feel like forever while at it.

When the bell rings and the class is dismissed I hurriedly gather my stuff before heading to Jake's locker to wait for him. When I see him he's slightly sweaty with a small smile on his face and heading straight towards me. Before he can even greet me I skip right to the point. "We're dating?" are the words that come out of my mouth. He furrows his eyebrows before asking "we're not?"

"I'm asking you!" I respond. "I mean I kinda assumed we were." He says before continuing "Why do you not like me?" I blink slowly a few times before furrowing my own eyebrows and giving him my answer. "Of course I like you, it's you who doesn't like me." "What? Of course I do. Why would you think that?" He confirms.

"Uh maybe because everytime I try asking you out you reject me? Or the fact that you never seem to flirt with me whenever I flirt with you. And you never once gave me a hint as to saying you like me & I don't remember you asking me to be your boyfriend" I rant to him. This time he blinks before breaking out into a fit of laughs. Is he fucking serious? "You? Think that I don't like you?" He says before clutching his stomach.

"Devon I can confidently say that I would never in my life reject you. And I don't remember you flirting with me at all though I flirt with you all the time. And give you a hint? Dude I've been giving you hints before we were even talking" he answers. I shake my head defiantly. "Okay I flirt with you all the time! And what about the fact that you never asked me to be your boyfriend?" I counter. He gives a small shrug "I don't really know, we were busy fighting for our lives I just assumed. I'm sorry."

I can't believe this! This whole time I've been trying to accept the fact that he doesn't like me and he's just been living in the bliss of the thought of us already dating. "So just to clarify, you like me back, never rejected me, flirt with me all the time and you're my boyfriend?" I say. He nods with a smile.

I smile back at him. I then look down and glance at his hand. Well...I'm his boyfriend right? I can hold his hand. I slowly reach forward and grab his hand. He looks down and glances back at me before smiling even harder and intertwining our fingers. My brain fills with one extremely happy thought.

Jake Wheeler is my boyfriend.

I was going to make this one longer but I don't know if y'all would like that or not & plus I didn't know what else to add without feeling like I was just ruining the chapter.

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