Requested| •Heaven On Earth•

686 11 179

Request from anklebiter17
Info: (first) "I love you"
Devon loves his boyfriend's hair. He loves his boyfriend's smile. He loves his laugh. He loves his hands. He loves the way he talks. He loves the way he talks to him. He loves the way Jake treats him. He loves all of Jake's actions and characteristics. Does he love Jake specifically?
Can Zackary give me his hair?? Honestly hate him. Also yes this is another first I love you chapter, enjoy it motherfuckers cuz I'm almost finished with a very angsty and sad oneshot for y'all.
Devon's pov

I am blatantly aware that I have a unhealthy amount of love for Jake's hair. However in my defense it's literally as if God himself came down to Earth just to place Jake's curls on top of his head. I'm not joking, I run my fingers through his hair everyday all day and I'm still amazed by how soft it was, how well maintained it is, and how good it smells.

Jake doesn't seem to mind seeing as I'm currently doing it right now. We are at my house waiting for my mom to finish cooking. Junior was downstairs helping her because that's been their thing since the day we became best friends. Junior's parents were at a couples counseling retreat from Saturday to Tuesday night so they were staying here for the time due to me wanting Jake to stay over and my mom not wanting them to pay for a nanny.

Both of my hands were dancing in Jake's hair, my fingers tangling and untangling themselves in his curls, tracing patterns, spelling out whatever words came to mind such as Nashville, coconuts, and mango(Froot loops ass mfs gay asf, just won't stop being fruity smh). A smile is brought upon my lips as I continue my actions in utter bliss and peace.

"Do you like my hair more than me?" Jake says in a playful tone before lifting his head from it's place on my torso and looking me in my eyes and flashing me with his gorgeous smile. "Correction, I love your hair." I say to him. "And what about me? Which do you love more?" He tests. Now there's a pause. We haven't exactly said love before. "Who said I loved you? Maybe I'm using you for your hair." I say trying to hide my growing anxiousness to say love. I don't exactly know what romantical love is. I wasn't familiar with it. Jake was my first kiss and boyfriend, as I was his. And if I had said it now would he say it back? Would he mean it?

"That's fine, I love you enough to ignore that." He states with a nonchalant shrug. He turns his head back away from me to get on his phone. I'm pretty sure he misses my eyes becoming the size of a bowling ball. Before I say anything Junior enters the room and announces that dinner is ready.

Jake speaks for both of us and just says okay. He then gets up, his curls escaping the entrapment of my hands and walks out of the door. I just sit there for a second before processing what was just said between us. Did he seriously mean that? About me? How long has he felt that and how long has he known?

When I finally enter the kitchen my mom is setting dinner on the table, Junior is placing plates down and Jake drying his hands before getting the utensils from my mother and placing then next to the plates. I walk towards the sink to wash my hands. When I finish I quickly dry them before helping Junior set down the cups. Jake grabs the pitcher of iced tea and handing it to my mom.

"I'm Thinking This Is a Problem We Can Solve Together" (Jevon One-shots)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu