First Fight part 3/3

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Jake's unintentionally keeping  a secret. Devon already knows the secret. Bailey is a bitch who gets her name changed like 8 times a chapter. Feelings are all over the place and are suffocating our beloved characters. Pain is such a strong emotion that we sometimes think without acting.
Jake's pov

I've been avoiding Bailey for the past two days. When she kissed me I didn't know how to react. I'm gay as fuck and I don't know how she wasn't aware of it. I thought someone would have told her by now, people at this school do like to share everyone's business. Just the thought of kissing any girl made me feel weird and a little nauseous.

I never would have thought that a girl would kiss me and when she did all I thought about was stopping myself from projectile vomiting. I shake away the thoughts of the kiss and try to finish my math homework that I've been struggling to focus on for the past 30 minutes.

The gears in my head begin to turn and my brain begin to hurt. I groan in frustration before grabbing my phone and texting Devon. We haven't gone back to talking like we used to which confused me to no end seeing as we made up and adding to my frustrations.

The Suspect 🧑🏻‍🎨‼️: busy?

The Detective 🕵🏾‍♂️❓: nope. Why? Do you want to tell me something?

The Suspect🧑🏻‍🎨‼️: No, just checking in

The Detective 🕵🏾‍♂️❓: Oh okay. What's up?

The Suspect 🧑🏻‍🎨‼️: nothing just struggling with math homework and needed to take a break

The Detective 🕵🏾‍♂️❓: Want me to ft you and we can work on it together?

The Suspect 🧑🏻‍🎨‼️: you don't mind?

The Detective 🕵🏾‍♂️❓: no, I'll call you rn

I don't have the chance to respond before I see Devon's name pop up and the options answer and decline which I obviously answer. " me what you working on." Devon says, his pretty face popping up on my screen. I turn my camera to show him my math notebook and the homework, side by side. We spend the next 40 minutes working on my math homework while also making a few jokes here & there.

"Alright, we're done! Is that all you need help with...or all you need to say to me?" Devon says when we finish. Images of Bailey kissing me runs through my head when he asks me that. I know I need to tell Devon but I can't do that when I don't know a way how. "Uh, nope. That's all. Thanks babe" I deny. "Okay. Bye!" Devon comments before ending the call right after, not giving me a chance to respond.

I make a face in the name of confusion and suspicion. That's never happened before. I was going to actually invite him over but I guess that wasn't the case. Maybe he was about to work on his podcast or he was sleepy but if so why wouldn't he tell me?
Devon's pov

I was staring at my bedroom ceiling with a look of hurt and confusion. Why didn't he tell me yet? Did he like it? He said he's gay but we are kids and we make mistakes and misunderstandings. He could be bi with a strong male preference. No I need to shut the fuck up. He's definitely gay and confirmed it a lot. There's no changing that.(can you tell I'm targeting ppl who change his sexuality? Good!)

"I'm Thinking This Is a Problem We Can Solve Together" (Jevon One-shots)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora