Wrong Time

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Devon and Jake love their alone time. Especially when said alone time is spent exchanging sweet nothings and kisses that make their hearts burst. They enjoy it so much that they constantly forget other people are not so far away from them.
Basically just Jevon getting caught making out by multiple people. I figured I give y'all a lot of fluff and angst so I'm trying something new without making it smutty. If this is smutty/uncomfortable/sexualizing to you then pls dm me and I'll delete this.
Devon's pov

Teenagers were prone to experience raging hormones. That was a well known fact and they were usually trying to find an outlet to unleash them on, like porn or whatever. Even a significant other who was preferably their age and someone they didn't consider a stranger.

I wouldn't lie and say it was untrue though I would prefer not to really acknowledge it until I was in private with Jake and we're making out, as we were currently doing. It was normal but I'd rather spare both Jake & I from any weird talks together with my mom and his aunt or uncle (cuz both they daddies dead...dead as hell).

My left hand was in his hair and my right was gripping his shoulder. His right hand was on my lower back and his left was on my cheek. Our lips were moving together at a feircely fast pace, attacking each other, only parting once in a while for a quick breath before we were back at it.

Jake pulls apart from me, "are you sure you're okay with this? Cuz I can stop if this doesn't feel right for you." I smile, "yes Jake I am perfectly comfortable with what's happening right now." I consent to him yet again. He nods before attaching our lips again.

I tug his hair before slipping my tongue into his mouth (pls for the life of me don't take this sexual!!! This is just making out/French kisses (?) I would never do that to minors or in general I'm and not a pervert I'm literally just trying to experiment with my writing while being realistic because teens I know actually do this and a hell of a lot more and before y'all say French kissing is sexual...it's not(not to me) cuz it's not sex in any form it's just lips on lips and a little tongue (I think I'm not super educated). He rubs slow circles into my back, fingers so light his touch is barely noticeable.

We roll over on his bed, my body slightly on top of his as we keep kissing. He guides my body closer to his as we keep kissing, hands leaving small touches over each other's skin. This was fucking bliss. Apparently I was enjoying this a little too much because I didn't seem to hear the footsteps outside of my room door and the hand that opened it.

"WHAT IN THE FRESHLY MADE HELL?! You sluts didn't even have the decency to wait til you were alone!"came Oliver's shrill voice busting my ear drums and causing Jake and I to rush apart from each other. Hands suddenly all to ourselves and the floor looking incredibly interesting all of a sudden.

"Uhh sorry Oli, we forgot we made plans with you guys." Jake says with a red face and wearing a  pained expression. I nod before catching sight of Jake's clock on his dresser and scrunching my face together. I quickly turn to Oliver, "apparently we were alone and you're just 40 minutes early" I say with a slight eye roll of annoyance.

Oliver huffs before answering no guilt or remorse on his face. "Is it a crime to want to spend extra time with your friends?....and maybe set up a prank for Lexy, Junior, and Care bear." Me and Jake share a look before smiling and turning towards Oliver wearing a similar grin to ours.

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