REQUESTED |☬kissin in the cold☬|

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Requested by: Painwithinsoul
OS info:Devon asks Jake to play in the snow
OS genre: Fluff (side of angst)
Synopsis: Jersey's recent freezing weather wasn't exactly unexpected but it surely wasn't welcomed by everyone. Jake hates the cold, absolutely cannot stand it, but when Devon asks him to play in the snow he can't exactly say no can he?
Took me forever to get this done but pls believe when I say I'm trying to make these requests happen.
Jevon is unestablished/crushing in this OS. Set after the finale as if they never got back together and before they're put into the system in S2, pretend it wasn't April when the s1 ended
Jake's pov

I grumble to myself as I continue trudging through the snow to get to Devon's aunt's house, shaking my head. Curls fall in my face and I don't bother to move them. Somehow the frosty wind manages to nip at my gloved fingers and I bury my hands deeply into my coat pockets.

The roads were too icy to ride my bike on and I refused to take an Uber because I'm saving up. I had no idea how to take public transportation and was sure the buses weren't even running today. I was left with no choice but walking.

The feeling of my face growing even colder and no doubt reddening causes me to pick up the pace. As Devon's Aunt Ciara's house comes into view I can't help but smile. Finally. By the time I actually get to the porch my coat is covered in snowflakes and I feel a bit of snow in my boots. Oh well.

I ignore it as I press onto the doorbell and wait for Devon. It doesn't even take a full 60 seconds before the dark green front door is thrown back and I come face to face with Ciara. She gives me a small smile and a low "hi Jake" before motioning me into the house.

Before she can call out Devon's name said boy comes barreling down the stairs towards us in the foyer. As he approached me I catch a whiff of a cologne I've never smelt before. "Hey Jake" he greets me in a wispy tone.

As I begin to greet him back I notice his eyes focused on a spot above my eyes and a small part of me wonders if I have a new pimple I don't spot beforehand. The thought makes a small part of my gut drop before I mentally shake the thought away.

"Hey Dev." I say back in a tone I hope comes back as either calm or happy, something positive. "I'll leave you guys to it." Ciara says before walking away. Her words sounded distant even though she was right beside me.

Devon makes no move to guide me anywhere. He doesn't make any moves at all, just stares at me. "Umm, Dev." I call out to him. He hums to me in response before slowly tearing his gaze back down to my eyes.

His eyes had a glazed look in them as if he was mentally in a different place or he was hypnotized in a trance. "You're staring." I state to him blankly. Upon hearing my words he seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in and coming back to the real world.

"Wait what? Say that again." He says looking confused. "You were staring." I repeat to him. "Oh! Um my bad, it's just" He begins awkwardly before cutting himself off. "It's just what?" I ask. There's a pause before responding. "You have snowflakes in your hair and on your eyelashes." He tells me.

His responds leaves me without a proper response. What the hell do I say to that? It's just random information and I no idea what to say that wouldn't sound stupid or weird in my opinion. Luckily for me I don't have to respond, Devon continues speaking.

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