Requested| ·Stained Fingertips·

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Request from Painwithinsoul
Info: fluff where Devon and Jake are painting and they get paint all over themselves
(Tysm for using the requested page!🤎)

Devon's pov

As I exited my gym class I headed straight down the hallway looking for my boyfriend. We had just been dismissed to lunch and I knew Jake would be at his locker putting away last period's supplies. I took a left and headed further down the hall when I spotted a head of thick brown curls. There he was. How the hell did he still look that pretty from this far away? It's criminal.

I pick up speed now that I've caught sight of him. As I finally approach him and invade his space he turns his head to face me, sending my presence. He smiles that same smile he gave me at the Halloween party back in October. The one that he always gave me. That always gave me butterflies.

"Hey!" He greets me excitedly before bending down slightly to kiss my cheek. I smile back at him. "What are you doing tomorrow after school?" I ask fastly. "Damn no kiss?" He jokes. I jokingly scoff and roll my eyes before kissing his cheek.

He smiles at my actions, cheeks slightly flushed. "If I'm not with you then I'm at home working at art. If I'm not doing that then I'm busy babysitting Caroline." He replies. "Glad you brought up art and being with me. We're going to have a painting date." I tell him happily, the smile on my face going wider.

"Aww you wanna go on a date with me? Sounds a little gay if I'm being honest but you're worth." He tells me teasingly. After you get him past his awkward and shy phase, Jake can play coy and tease people. There's many sides of my dear boyfriend. Unless you do the same with him back.

Then he goes back to a red faced introvert. I learned from many experiences. I wrap my arms around him and lean into his touch. His neck glowing red as I did. "Of course it's sounds gay, you're gonna be there. You just can't help what you are huh pretty boy?" I tease back.

He gulps slowing, eyes locked onto mine before his smiles grows crooked. "I- umm... you're pretty cute too. Like a lot. In case you wanted to know." He replies hastily, eyes drifting to my lips once or twice. See? He's still not used to affection.

"Thank you sweetheart. I'm gonna get the paint supplies today. Be at mines tomorrow at 4 and wear something you won't care gets messy." I say before reaching up and pecking him on the lips.

I unwrap my arms from around his waist after kissing him only for him to pull me back in and kissing me quickly. We share a smile before he closes his locker and takes my hand in his. "Let's go." He says before we head to the cafeteria.


Jake's pov

I walked up to Devon's house and knocked on his door. To my surprise Kim opened the door instead of my boyfriend. I still smile nonetheless and greet her happily. "Hey Jake, come on in." She responds to me. I enter the house as she moves to the side to let me in. We make small talk as she leads me to Devon.

She tells me she's not staying long, just finishing getting ready to go out with some work friends. I catch her up on some school news and stories. Mainly gossip on students, upcoming projects and upcoming spring break.

Eventually we reach their backyard, which is my favorite place at their house besides Devon's room. There is a picnic table in the center of their backyard and flowers surrounding the gate. The table has over 20 different color paints on it along with a cup of paintbrushes and a pitcher of water. I see four small canvases and one big one on the table.

Under the shade of the two trees they have lays a hammock currently being occupied by Devon.He had blue headphones on and his phone in hand with his eyes closed shut. Kim tells me goodbye before making her way back into the house. As she leaves I make my way to Devon.

Even as I approach him he doesn't notice and I take a picture of him before putting my phone away and tapping him on his shoulder. He opens his eyes while taking off his headphones and offering me a smile. "Nice setup." I tell him.

He thanks me before standing up and leaving his headphones on hammock, slipping his phone in his pocket. I follow him to the picnic table and sit down next to him. "What are you going to paint?" He asks me. "Either an original or I'm gonna try to recreate Les Meninas." I say. He furrows his brows.

"It's a famous painting by Diego Velázquez. It's a painting of a painting within a painting. I've been experimenting with new styles of art lately." I tell him. He nods slowly while humming. "What about you?" I question. "I'm thinking of painting a frog on a pond." He says. "What is it with you and frogs?" I ask him. He shrugs. (Bjorgvin's obsessed with frogs or was it ducks? )


Devon's pov

We spent a total of 40 minutes on our paintings before getting new canvases and trying to recreate each other's first painting. We filled the silence with conversations about future plans, trying new hobbies, new shoes, my podcast, his art experiments, and childhood memories.

I lift my head to look at Jake to see his head slightly quirked to the side, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip in concentration and eyebrows scrunched up. He was currently focused on drawing the eyes of his frog perfectly.

I set down my paintbrush to take a picture of him. As I was getting ready to take another his head turns to me and my second pic becomes one of him giving me a look of confusion. I also take a third of him slightly smiling while blushing at my actions. I smile back at him and show him the pictures before getting my paintbrush again.

As I begin painting again I feel a cold finger swipe something against my cheek. I turn to Jake to see red paint on his pointer finger and him holding back a smile. I in return bring my paintbrush to his nose leaving a dot of black paint on it and smile at him.

All hell breaks loose from there. One second we're dropping paintbrushes and dipping our hands in various colors of paint, next were splashing paint on each other's  clothes and arms and face. I mentally thank myself for buying easily washable paint.

Laughs escaping our mouths as we either run from or chase the other. I caught onto Jake and pulled him to me by his shirt and place my hand on his face. I leave a purple hand print on the entire right of his face. I peck his lips before running from him as he covers both his hands in green and blue paint. "Oh Devon" he calls out.

His tone is teasing as he says my name in a song kind of way. I hear him step towards me as I continue backing away from him. I notice the lack of sunshine where I'm at and realize that I'm near the hammock and trees. Fuck. I trapped myself.

I can tell by the look in Jake's eye that he's noticed it too. "Babe...we can talk about this" I try to negotiate as he gets closer, trying to save my own ass." "Nah baby, I don't think we can." He responds. I try to make a run for it and swerve around him only for him to wrap me in his arms and put me on the hammock.

"Wait Jake, I love you. That has to count for something." I say. He smirks at me in response. He leans over my and places both his hands on my face. A handprint of cold paint now on both of my cheeks. He moves his hands to admire his work before putting them back and leaning in.

"I love you too." Jake says. Our lips meet and we trade kisses for what feels like an eternity.


Again this was requested by Painwithinsoul
Thank you for the request💜 and for reading!

Started: July 28
Published: July 28
Word count: 1429

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