(attempted revival era)| •GONE•

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I can't be the only bitch who can't function after seeing that trailer, the fandom better come back!

Devon's pov

I COULDN'T EVEN form words after hearing what he just told. How the hell did this happen? Why the hell was this happening? What the hell was I gonna do and what was gonna happen to him?

"Devon can you say something?" Jake pleads from beside me, his eyes boring into me, I could feel it. "Please. Just react...like at all." He continues as I feel tears start to form in my eyes.

I let out a shaky breath before I slowly turn to him. "What do you mean they're taking you away?" I ask softly. He bites his lips as if to force himself not to answer to quickly, possibly for my sake I'm not sure. "The phone rang earlier and it was CPS telling me that they and the police thought it'd be wisest if I was placed at a special home." He pauses and then picks up again.

"After the whole Chucky thing and my entire family tree dying it'd be best if I was watched over by... specialists. Just for a little while before they find a permanent solution that's best for me." He finishes softly. His eyes were glossy as spoke.

"So they're scared of you or something? They can't possibly be serious. Yeah you made some mistakes but everything that happens falls into the fault Chucky. Why the hell do you need specialist?" I rush out hastily, my eyes scanning his face ferociously, as if looking for a proper answer to my questions.

"I- I don't know." He answers, eyes shifting down and his body visibly deflating. He was blatantly saddened by the lack of knowledge to what's going to happen. He was at a loss and so was I.

I lift my hands and place them on his face before raising his gaze to me, our eyes locked. "We're going to figure this out. I refuse to let you go after everything the happened without a fight." I tell him, my words drowned in sincerity.

He smiles at me before grabbing my right hand and kissing it. I smile at him as a tear falls from my eye and let him pull me into a hug. I sigh at the familiarity of being in his arms, neither my fear nor sadness gone but at ease.


Jake's pov

Devon took a nap for a while. In the meantime I was either pacing the floor and overthinking, ranting to Lexy about how the cops were full of shit, or watching over Devon. After I felt my tiredness kick in I decided to make some coffee.

I wouldn't be able to sleep if I tried so why torture myself with feeling sleepy. Coffee was gonna rid me of said sleepiness. After googling how to use the coffee maker I decided on making Expresso. It was supposed to be best at waking or keeping you up.

When I had actually finished making the coffee I had got a blue christmas mug with a snowman on the face of it. As I poured myself a cup I heard the pads of someone's feet making their way towards me. I instantly knew that it was him, I always knew.

As I finish pouring, I set down the coffee and turn to face him with my mug in had. "Would you like some?" I ask him. He was in his sleep attire, a big long sleeved sleep shirt and matching pants. They were red. His eyes were puffy and full of cold, and he was currently rubbing it away as he walked towards me. "What is it?" He questions back, tiredness laced in his voice.

"Expresso" I answer to him, offering him my mug-filled hand. He shrugs before grabbing it and muttering a gruff "thank you". I nod at him before leaning forward to kiss his nose before turning away and making my own cup of coffee. This time I had a white mug with a big green frog on it.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask before taking a sip of my hot beverage (I hate that word but was tired of writing coffee and didn't wanna say liquid). He shrugs, "fine I guess, would have been better if it wasn't for earlier" he admits. He leans into me when he says it. I know it's not just because he likes being around me.

"I'm sorry" I tell him. He lets out a deep sigh before shaking his head. "It's not your fault...and I'm not blaming you." He replies, words muffled due to him moving into my chest. "Thank you" I say. "The cops here suck" he says. "Yeah...we umm...we lost the best we had." I say.

I feel him smile into my chest before he lifts his head to meet my eyes. "Yeah I know." "I'm sorry" I say again. He shakes his head "shut up, I already said I don't blame you." I stare in his eyes before slowly leaning down to reach his lips. He catches on and reaches up to meet me halfway.

The kiss is slow and soft. I make note of the fact that I hear his mug give out a soft "clink" as it makes contact with the counter. I follow his actions as his hands cup my face. I place mine at his hip and the nape of his neck.

Our lips move slow and his lips feel practically molded perfectly with mine. He parts his lips and I feel him sigh into the kiss before reattaching our lips. His thumbs rub softly on my face. He then moves one hand to my wait and pulls me closer to him until we're right against each other. And then moves his hand back. (Pls don't make that sexual, he just wants to be as close with his bf as possible seeing as he is leaving soon. As I said this book does not and will never contain smut. Both the characters and actors are minors. Even if they weren't I just wouldn't be the person who's able to write that so don't come to this book looking for that.)

When we do stop the kiss we place our foreheads together and stay there. Our arms wrap around each other and coffee long forgotten. "What am I supposed to do without you?" I ask my voice hushed as I feel myself close to tears at just the thought alone.

"I think I should be asking you that." He answers, voice hushed as well.

"Devon..." I start.

"I don't know Jake...I really don't know" his voice shaky.

A tear drops from my left eye. More follow and I clutch onto him, burying my head in his left shoulder.

He holds me the whole time, grip just as tight as mine as his tears wet my shoulder as well.

Possible part 2 soon because I finish my summer job soon and have been editing my drafts and the trailer is giving me inspo. Also be on the lookout for two chapters, one is a part 2 of company and another is hinted at in another oneshot.

Started: July 25
Finished: July 26
Word count: 1217

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