First Fight part 1/3

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I'm gonna be honest...I hope at least one of these four parts makes someone cry or at least tear up.
Jake and Devon have never felt jealousy while dating. They didn't have a reason to. And they definitely didn't fight one another. Again they didn't have a reason to, they're a team. Or at least this was true before Bailey transferred to their school.

Devon's pov

I have been searching for Jake for almost 25 minutes. Our school isn't small but is sure as hell isn't a maze, so it made no sense of why I couldn't find him. We were going to skip the rest of school to go after Chucky along with Lexy and Junior. They were currently blowing up our groupchat demanding Jake to answer and to hurry the hell up before we get caught.

I hear a teacher coming down the hall. I hurriedly scurry down the opposite hall and turn the left corner. I press my back against the wall and quickly catch my breath. I'm about to start searching for Jake again when I spot Jake talking to some redhead girl I've never seen before.

She's kinda pretty but I have no idea what's so interesting about her that caused Jake to start bailing on catching a murderer who is on the loose. "Jake" I call out to him as I make my way towards him.

He turns his head towards me and smiles. "Hey what's up?" He asks. I give him a look of wonderment before coming to the conclusion that he forgot due to spending time with knock off Ginny Weasley. "We're supposed to be doing the thing with Lexy and Junior right now know. Remember?" I remind him.

He looks puzzled before things seem to click in his head and his mouth forms the shape of an O and his eyebrows raise in acknowledgement. "Shit! I forgot, I'm sorry" Jake says to me. I nod with a tight lipped smile on my face before grabbing his wrist to lead him to the meet up spot before I feel him getting tugged away from me.

I turn my head to see the girl's hand gripped tightly onto Jake's jacket and her eyes pointed at me as if I was doing something to anger her. "Excuse me but who are you and why do you need Jake?" She questions me as she cocks her head to the side when asking me why I need my own boyfriend.

This time I narrow my own eyes and offer her a look of pure annoyance and anger. Who the fuck was she anyway? "You're excused, I'm Devon and the pleasure of meeting me is all yours. As for your second question, that's entirely Jake and I's business and none of yours. And I've never seen you so, who the hell are you?" I challenge. Jake shrugs off her hand before standing next to me and giving me a look of concern and question.

"I'm Bailey, I just transferred here and Jake's my tour guide." She boasts to me as if I would actually care. "Well Bianca, Jake is also leaving you. Try not to get lost." I say before turning back to Jake and grabbing his hand while successfully leading him to the spot we should have been at 30 minutes ago. I hear her scoff at me but I continue walking away.

How long had he been with her? Why did she act so possessive? Why'd he let her grab him? Was she touchy the whole time they were together? How touchy was she? All of these questions were rushing through my head and cause me to feel nothing but red hot anger.

Eventually we made our way to the spot we've been missing from for a while. As soon as our friends see us their feet pound against the ground as they stomp towards us. "Where the fuck have you been?" Junior asks us first. I scoff still feeling anger of my own. "Ask your cousin and his new favorite person who's so interesting that she made him forget about a psychotic murdering doll on the loose." I spit out with a snare.

Lexy raises her brows and turns her head towards Jake with an expression on her face that blatantly means that not only does she expect an explanation but her interest is also piqued.

"Am I missing something?" Junior asks, his focus now entirely on what I just said. "Actually we all seem to be missing something, because we still have no idea of why Jake couldn't seem to be here on time." I say, throwing yet another shot at my boyfriend. I don't know why I'm feeling this way but my blood is boiled, my ears are hot, my hands are clenched and my teeth feel like they've been scraped against cement due to the way I've been grinding them the whole way here.

"I was showing Bailey around the school, she's a new transfer student and the new principal wanted me to show her around because it's that obvious that I don't have any friends just like her." Jake explains, throwing a stern look my way when saying her name. Obviously he's referring to when I purposely said it wrong to her face earlier.

"I got caught up showing her around and wasn't paying attention to the time." He further explains. "What about the million number of texts we all sent to the group chat?" I counter as soon as he finishes. "I turned my phone on battery saver and airplane mode earlier because I forgot to charge it last night. I didn't get your notifications" He responds in a tone that can only be described as red hot anger.

"Why do you guys sound mad?" Junior cuts in. Lexy agrees with a "yeah". "Yeah, why are you so mad Devon?" Jake asks me, now fully facing me. I narrow my eyes when he says my name. He usually says a nickname. He is seriously the one angry right now? I scoff. "I'm not mad at all, just curious as to why hanging out with Haley was so goddamn amazing, that you got caught up in time spent with her. I mean she must be really special if being around just causes time and a murderer to just not matter. Don't you guys agree?" I say, yet again getting her name wrong and bringing Junior and Lexy into what seems to be turning into an argument.

I turn to them expecting an answer as Jake rolls his eyes while scoffing. Junior and Lexy share a look of uncertainty. "You know what? Let's just focus on making a plan to stop Chucky." Lexy speaks for the both of them. Obviously trying to stop me and Jake from going at it. Jake just says "fine" and I don't respond at all.

We were now all at Junior and Jake's house. We just finished setting a trap for Chucky. I still haven't spoken to Jake the entirety of being here. "We don't know how long this is going to take. Maybe you guys should spend the night?" Junior suggests. I nod before walking off to call my mom. I slightly alter the truth and say I'm stay at Lexy's along with Junior. My mom knows I'm dating Jake but she doesn't exactly like it so I can't tell her the truth.

She says yes but only because she's working a double shift and doesn't want me in the house alone due to the spree of murders. When I walk back to my friends Lexy is missing but she can be heard not far away on the phone seemingly trying to convince one of her parents to let her stay the night.

Junior gets up and walks towards Lexy's voice, probably going to help convince her parents to let her stay. The silence suddenly gets suffocating. My palms get sweaty. My eyes can't stop twitching, and roaming the room to try and avoid looking at Jake, which I've never honestly been good at.

"You know we need to talk." Jake says, shattering the delicate glass that was the now ruined silence. I want to talk, but I also don't at all. "Fine. What do you want to talk about?" I question. Instead of calling me out for pretending I don't know he just lets it go. "About what you were saying earlier." He replies.

"Continue" I say. "Why were you mad? And don't tell me in a passive aggressive way." He voices, turning his head my way and looking straight at me. "Because your new friend doesn't seem to know how to keep her hands to herself" is my response. I don't mean to say it in the cruel way it comes out, I truly don't but I guess my feelings of anger have yet to simmer down.

"If you're going to keep being a smart ass then let's not talk about this now" he insists. "Or we don't talk at all." I answer him before getting up and storming off to a guest room where I spend the rest of the night.

Honestly I hate this because it's so out of character for them but I wanted to make a fight chapter but then again them fighting doesn't seem realistic to me. Anyways my goal for the next three parts are for them to be super sad so read with tissues just in case. I also rushed half of this because I wanted to hurry and write the other parts so don't call me out on that.

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