Forehead kisses

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Jake and Devon were the type of couple to use physical touch as a way to calm one another. Physical touch as in hand holding, shoulder touching and most importantly, forehead kisses.

Devon's pov

To say Jake was fidgety was an understatement. He was currently bouncing his right foot at an inhumanly fast rate and biting his lips profusely hard. Of course I took notice of this, I'm constantly taking note of everything about him. We were currently in class and he was 3 rows and 1 seat away from me, meaning I had no way of trying to get him to ease up.

We didn't have much time left our teacher was actually summarizing everything we learned today as we speak, he did this everyday right before he dismissed us. This made me wonder, we were in the last class of the day a mere 3 minutes away from heading home and Jake looked like he hadn't been permitted to move from his chair in 3 years. Why was he so anxious?

I began packing my things so that I wouldn't have to when the bell rings, well that and to get to Jake faster. When the bell rings Jake races out of class leaving behind his pencil case that I of course grab to return to him. He's speed walking to his locker when I catch sight of him in the hallway and I immediately set a course to get to him.

When I approach him he doesn't seem to notice me just yet. "You forgot this" I say while holding out his pencil case to him. He jumps, obviously startled from my voice before looking at me "Thanks" he replies. I shrug before asking him what's wrong. He sighs. "I haven't taken my meds in 4 days & my brain's all over the place" he admits.

My eyebrows raise in both concern and shock. I make a gesture at him that means to explain. He does by saying "I spilled them down the bathroom drain 4 nights ago when my hands were wet and my uncle's hasn't had time to get them." He pauses before rushing out the rest of his reasoning. "It's fine though because Bree's supposed to have picked them up today while we were in school."

I just nod while taking in his appearance yet again. He still looks anxious and stressed. I lean forward and reach my body upwards towards Jake's body before placing a kiss on his forehead.

He gives me a flustered look before smiling and grabbing my hand. This makes me tighten my grip on his hand and he walks me to my locker to get my stuff before walking out of the school building.


Jake's pov

Devon and I were currently at a library on the computers researching yet another crime for his podcast. I don't mind though, I like spending time with him even though we're looking up crazy sick people. Though I might be enjoying this time with him, Devon doesn't seem to be doing too good.

He is currently tugging at his hair and exhaling deeply from his nose in an annoyed manner. He was also aggressively clicking at the computer mouse creating a noise quite irritating to the ears.

In response to his obviously stressed manner I use one hand to grab his and the other to softly grab his cheek and turn his face towards mine. "What's wrong?" I question in a concerned tone. He doesn't respond do to his naturally stubborn nature, just looks at me with disappointed eyes. I give him a pointed look, pushing him to speak.

"I can't find anything interesting enough for my podcast. Everything is either boring, heard of, or something I've done before" he answers. He continues with "I just really don't wanna bore anyone who listens to my podcast and I have a throbbing headache." I just sigh before wrapping my arms around him. He leans into my touch as if it's second nature and I rest my chin on the top of his head.

"First if all, I listen to your podcast all of the time new and old recordings and I never get bored. Secondly, you need to have more faith in yourself and lastly for your headache do you want me to take you home?" I rant to my boyfriend. I feel him nod into my chest and I unwrap my arms from around before placing a kiss to his temple and we begin to gather our things.
Caroline's pov (surprise shawty!!)

Lexy's friends were over again but I didn't mind because Lexy let me watch an extra hour of tv if I promise not to tell our mommy. I was confused when only three people came over though. Usually she'd have at least 12 when our parents left us alone which was kind of often.

They were all boys. I knew all of them. Junior who was the boy Lexy was often kissing. Devon who was here everytime Lexy invites people over. He's Junior's bff. The last person was Jake. He's the boy who gave me Chucky. He was pretty nice. I like him the most because of his cloud like hair.

They were hanging out in the kitchen due to me being in the living room and Lexy wanting to keep close watch on me. I didn't hear any loud laughs, loud music, or bottle clinking sounds which was strange. The house always sounds like that when Lexy invites people.

I'm watching a My Little Pony movie when I start to want something to drink. I get up from my place on the couch, leaving my movie unpaused and make my way to the kitchen.

When I get to the kitchen door I see Jake kissing Devon's head the same way my dad does mine and then Devon doing the same to Jake. I walk into the kitchen and into their line of sight. "I'm thirsty" I tell my sister. "Well what do you want to drink?" She asks me.

I shrug my shoulders before turning to Jake and Devon. "Why were you kissing?" I ask them. Their eyes go big and Lexy scolds me for asking. I don't really see the problem with my question. "Do you love each other or are you scared?" I question them.

Lexy scolds me yet again and Junior tells her I don't know any better, whatever that means. "What do you mean?" Devon finally responds to me. "My parents kiss my head before telling me they love me and kiss my head when I'm scared." I say before asking "which one are you kissing each other for."  "Umm, both actually" Jake says.

I nod before turning to Junior. "Can you give me a juice box?" He smiles at me before nodding and getting it from the fridge, opening it for me and then handing it to me. I smile. "Thank you!" I say before skipping back to the living room and watching my movie.
I was going to add another part but I didn't want this to be too long so I hope you enjoyed ♡ ! I tried to make Caroline's pov kind of childish but I really don't know how 7 year olds think. This is another drabble but I wanted to post because I noticed that this book has not only surpassed 100 reads but is also at 300 so thank you so much!!! Luv you🤍🤍🤍!

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