Have I told you lately, I'm grateful you're mine?

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Set after their first kiss in the show, can be see as a prequel to my first one-shot of this book aka the first date. Inspiration from the sneak peek from ep 6 when they're planning their date.
Jake had just kissed Devon. Devon has just kissed Jake. They just kissed each other, twice. When they get home all that's occupying their thoughts is one another. A phone call ensues.

Devon's pov

My feet softly hit the first step on the staircase of my house that I was currently sneaking up. I knew my mom would be home by now, it was pretty late. I was out with Lexy and Jake killing Jake's doll Chucky. Speaking of Jake-the boy who recently won't stop racing through my head- we had just shared a kiss. Two to be exact. Yes I'm counting the small peck we shared that we laughed off before the kiss that caused my bike to tip over.

If I had known the kiss would feel that good I wouldn't have waited that long to kiss him. Thinking about him just makes my heart swell up with joy and my stomach feel like there's something flying in there, maybe butterflies. I know it's cliche as hell but it was so embarrassingly true that I can't lie about it. I feel my face break into a smile just replaying the moment in my head.

He had felt confused and I was trying to comfort him. I somehow made the moment into me revealing my feelings for him and I couldn't be happier. I made my way towards my room slowly so that I wouldn't wake my mom. When I'm finally in the four walls that I call my room I shut the door softly and lock it.

I walk straight towards my bed before I throw my body down onto it. I haven't felt this happy in forever. It was a confusing time when I first realized I liked boys. When I realized I liked Jake I was a bit worried because he's my best friend's cousin but now I don't really care. He's sweet, cute, and nice and apparently a really good kisser.

I spend a good 3 minutes replaying the moment over and over in my head before fishing my phone out of my pocket and texting Jake. He should be up, he doesn't seem like the type to have a normal sleep schedule.

The Detective: hey...you up?

The suspect: yeah, couldn't stop thinking

The Detective: about??

The suspect: the truth is you but if that's weird then about Chucky

The Detective: that's sweet...and relatable

The suspect: elaborate

The Detective: call me first

As soon as I see that it says read Jake's contact pops up with the options answer and decline. I of course press answer as fast as I can. "Hey" he says. "Hi" I address him. "Elaborate" he repeats. "I can't stop thinking about you" I admit. I hear him let out a soft laugh before he responds. "Can you feel my smile through the screen?" He asks.  "Definitely." I say. "Dev...I have a question" he tells me.

"Shoot" is my response. There's a short pause. I'm about to call his name when he voices what his question is. "How'd you know you liked me?" It's now my time to pause. "There were plenty of clues but the main realization was at Oliver's party. When I had called your name and you turned around & you looked at me. You had this look where it seemed like you were looking at the most amazing spectacular gorgeous thing in the world. Your mouth looked like it has dropped and I knew. I knew that you like me when we were in the cafeteria but this really topped the cake."

I continue."And it wasn't just the look you gave me but the feelings I felt when you did. It's like my mind dropped into my heart and they were thinking the same thing. Jake wheeler is looking at me. He's looking at me like I'm a miracle. He's looking at me in the way that I don't ever want him to stop. Then I started thinking about why my hands were starting to get sweaty and my heart rate got faster and my face felt hotter. And I knew, just like that." I finish ranting to him.

My cheeks were now hot from blushing and my smile seemed sewed to my face. God why the hell did he have this effect on me with so little effort. "That's...wow. I'm flattered and embarrassed." He says. "Why" I question. "I'm so blatantly obvious about the way I feel about you, you literally have no idea how right you are about the way I see you. I'm forever mesmerized by you" He replies.

My cheeks get hotter and my face starts aching from how hard I'm smiling. "You have no idea how  enchanting I find you Jake Wheeler." I counter. I hear a door open on his end of the call along with Junior telling him to hurry the fuck up and something about a him. Jake tells him to fuck off and then a door closes. "What was that?" I ask.

"Umm well... Junior says if I'm going to keep stealing his best friend from him then I should at least take him on a date already or he'll kick me in the throat." He explains. I start laughing because I can definitely imagine him doing that. "That's Junior for you" I tell him. "That's a good idea...us going on a date." He says. I can tell that's him taking yet another leap of faith tonight like when we kissed.

"Yeah...that is" I agree. I hear him yawn which causes me to do the same. I fucking hate yawns. "Talk to you at school okay, you need sleep." He tells me. I don't want to end the call, talking with him is nice. I agree though, my brain is foggy due to tiredness. When we hang up I set my phone ony stand and hook it up to charge for the remainder of the night. I walk to my dresser and get my pajamas and quickly change. Once I'm done I throw my clothes into my hamper and yet again throw my body onto me bed.

When I drift off to sleep my last conscious thought is the image of Jake and I on a date. He's smiling at me. It's nice, and I can't wait for it to be real.
Not proof-read!!! Word Count : 1106

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