REQUESTED|†°Lips Like Amphetamine°†

822 19 38

Requested by: heartbl4de
Genre: heat (Forgive me God🛐, forgive me y'all)
OS info: Jake and Devon are caught making out again by Bree and then again by his uncle
Can someone please tell me which twin is who idk whether Lucas or Logan is Jake's dad or uncle I keep forgetting and I'm gonna cry/SRS
Devon's pov

Some people were addicted to drugs, porn, murder, a number of things the world had to offer. I however seem to be addicted to making out with a certain boy who goes by the name Jake wheeler. See? I'm the lesser importance of addicts as far as the list goes so don't blame me for the fact that I'm feeding into mine at the very moment.

My left hand was gripping his waist and my right was caressing his cheek and moving the fast growing curls from his face. I was also practically in his lap due to the angle of which we were making out. We were on a deep purple couch in the arcade/game room in his house.

His right hand was at the end of my back in the very center as his left was cradling my neck. His thumb was driving me crazy as he pressed downed on my pulse point and traced comforting circles on it with the lightest touch he could muster. Somehow the firm and yet light touch had me anticipating everytime he'd do it again and again and again.

I pull away from his lips and he makes a grunting noise in disapproval. I ignore it as I dive my head down to his collarbone and start dusting it in kisses. I start off light and quick, a peck of a beginner, which I wasn't. I then begun to kiss him firmer each kiss lasting longer and lingering when I would move to begin again in a new spot.

Jake lets out gasps, caught breaths, and sighs as I do. "Dev" Jake chokes out in a breathy voice while his hand cups my chin and pulls me toward him. When we're face to face he catches my lips to his in a quick needy kiss before completely flipping us, trading past places with one another.

He hovers over me and grins a Cheshire smile at my surprised expression. He dips low and hovers his lips above mine while never breaking eye contact, his eyes gleam a deviously attractive shine. "My turn" he taunts before moving his head beginning to kiss along my throat, sides of my neck and collarbone.

Each kiss is open mouthed and increasingly more passionate than the last. I can feel his smirk grow with each kiss though he's avoiding the one place I truly want him to kiss like he craves it hourly. My pulse point. I've been obsessed with the way he kisses it since the first time he did it. It was sudden and I don't even know if he knew he did it.

Each time he kissed it my body overheated and melted at the same time. My heart raced, my brain sent signals of fires to every part of my body and my vision blanked white before showing me stars.

I move my right hand into his hair and my left onto his shoulder and grip him with my shirt nails. "Jake" I call out to him trying to grab his attention. He hums, not even glancing at me as his left hands move to grip my hip and his right curves along my back and arches me into him to press our hips and chest flush together.

"Stop being a dick" I demand softly out of breath. He chuckles at me before glancing his eyes up to stare into mine. "Say what you want." He words in a cocky tone. He goes back to kissing my throat from my collarbone to my chin as he keeps moving my hips.

I try guiding his face to my pulse point but he simply denies me and turns his head my shoulder and starts kissing that. I sigh before swallowing my pride. "Please be a kind boyfriend and give me what I want." I speak. "Which is?" He teases coyly.

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