Through Their Eyes

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Yeah, Junior and Lexy didn't exactly like that Devon and Jake are closer than ever (at first) but feelings can change over time. Especially when said time is spent with such adorable fruity teens.

Junior's pov

The gang and I (consisting of Jake, Devon, Lexy, & I) were currently at an abandoned playground sitting on an old roundabout talking. The reason why? We had no idea. We were just casually riding our bikes before Lexy saw this place and Devon suggested hanging here. We all for some reason agreed which might suggest we aren't in our right minds.

"So does anyone have a plan to get rid of a certain offbrand Annabelle wannabe?" Lexy asks us while getting up and walking around on the small space the roundabout was providing. I let out a soft laugh at Lexy's statement. That man inside the doll has murdered who knows how many people and she somehow is confident enough to trash talk him.

"You mean Chucky right?" Devon inquires for confirmation. Lexy nods while rolling her eyes playfully. "I would suggest to set him on fire but we all know what happened last time fire was involved in a situation with Chucky" Jake states. Everyone else nods having experienced said situation first-hand. "You think he could come back from being buried in a deep ditch?" I suggest while turning towards Jake. He just shrugs before saying something about how he always seems to come back.

Devon gets up from the roundabout with a frown painted on his face and heads towards the big orange slide a few feet away. "Honestly, I don't really want to think about him right now" he admits. Again the rest of us nod, completely agreeing with what's being said. No one said anything after. I guess we didn't have anymore to say.

Jake gets up and follows Devon as he makes his way to the stairs leading to the top of the slide. By the time Jake gets to the top of the slide Devon has already set down and is now scooting over to make room for Jake who immediately fills the space next to him when he reaches the top.

Lexy and I just share a half confused half admiring look. They aren't even talking, just sitting next to one another. Well they were practically on top of each other due to the limited amount of space. They were leaning into each other's touch as if they weren't already physically close.

I see Devon reach for Jake's hand and intertwine them. Jake gives him a small smile which Devon returns before they go back to just sitting, this time staring at the setting sun once again bathing in the comfortable silence & touch of one another. They were actually pretty cute. Huh, I wouldn't have ever guessed that. I turn back at Lexy who is also watching them with a look of acceptance on her face.

I smile to myself, they deserve to be happy.


Lexy's pov

After my house was rebuilt my mother was pretty hesitant on letting me invite people over but to her surprise and to my absolute pleasure it's only over been 3 people hanging around recently.

Those three people who were currently on the couch in my living room watching a movie with me. Junior (my amazing boyfriend who never gave up on me and gave me a second chance) was to my right on the end of the couch with a pack of purple Skittles on his lap. His right hand was reaching into the pack, his left was holding mine, & his eyes glued to the screen.

Jake (one of my now closest and most trusted friends) was to my left with his arms wrapped around his longtime crush and now unofficial boyfriend Devon who was on the other end of the couch and completely snuggled into the chest of Jake. The bowl of buttery popcorn was to Devon's left just barely balencing on the armrest.

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