I Just Wanna Be With You

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A school dance is approaching. Jake and Devon are dating. Jake and Devon want to go together. Jake doesn't know if Devon is ready for that. Jake has no idea that Devon is about to ask him to the dance.
If it wasn't obvious...I was rewatching the HSM trilogy.
Jake's pov

As I make my way to my locker I see yet another flyer for the school dance happening in 1 week. My eyes roll irritatedly out of instinct upon seeing it. I have no problem with the dance itself, just the fact that I'm not going. I want to go seeing as I  finally have a boyfriend and not just any boyfriend but Devon Evans.

No one really pays attention to me anymore now that Lexy isn't a bitch anymore who tormented me and scared the rest of the students. No one would care if I went to the dance with a boy but I'm not sure Devon is ready for that.

He isn't even out to his mom, let alone the entire eighth grade. Because of this bringing up the dance seems selfish, considering that we're not going, I was sure of it. He never mentioned it no matter how many times Lexy and Junior brought it up and I never brought it up because of that.

I approach my locker and unlock it with my combination before shrugging off my backpack and unzipping it. I fish out my phone and store it in my pocket before grabbing some notebooks and pencils for my first three classes of the day.

I then begin to place my bag on the hook in my locker but a harsh grip on my shoulder suddenly appears and pulls my body around. This causes me to drop my bag from my hands and it falls to the bottom of my locker. I give Junior a look of annoyance. "What the hell? What are you begging me to do now?" I question, irritation coating my voice.

"I need you to come with me right now! Devon, Lexi and me were fucking around in the auditorium and then he fell off the stage and twisted his ankle and he's crying and neither of us are strong enough to carry him to the nurse." Junior rambles hurriedly.

My eyes widen in shock before I take off running to Devon, junior's footsteps behind me pounding in my ears. When I reach the auditorium door Junior snatches my shoulder again and stops my movements. I furrow my brows as he wipes my forehead fervently.

I push him away and only catch the sight of him strugging as I turn away from him, facing the door yet again and pushing it open and get the shock of my middle school life. The chairs in the auditorium each had a gold glitter filled balloon attached to them and there was a gold carpet leading a path to the stage.

The lights in the room were dimmed except the spotlight on the stage, on Devon. He was standing in front of a table with a gift basket of some sort holding a huge sign with the back facing me. The table also had a radio on it and our favorite snacks surrounded in gold confetti in the center of it.

He was wearing one my favorite hoodies and a necklace I had just recently bought but mysteriously lost. He was also wearing a huge smile on his face, pearly whites shown off and eyes locked on mine. I instantly smile back before making my way to him. Out the corner of my eye I see Junior head to the left side of the stage towards a figure of a person.

I noticed the figure as Lexy after spotting her blonde hair in the dim room and shake my head in disbelief and try to stifle a laugh, which I fail at. What the hell were they playing at? As I finally make my way into Devon's presence the first thing I can do is hug him which he returns instantly, the sign he's holding stiffly in the middle of us. "I'm glad to see your ankle is fine." I say.

He chuckles, "glad to see you care" he replies. "You know I always will." I tell him and he just smiles harder before looking down at our feet. "I wanted to ask you something" he states. "What's stopping you?" I counter. "My nerves" he says honestly.

"Don't be nervous, not around me." I comfort. "I can't help it but don't worry I'm also hella excited." He says before turning the sign around to face me. The sign had "can I have this dance?" in gold bubble letters with small drawings along the sides. The drawings consisted of suits, roses, dance tickets, punch bowls, and little hearts.

"Will you go to the dance with me? I promise to endure as much of your terrible dancing as you wish as long as you let me choose your tux" Devon asks the jokes. I smile, "of course dummy" I agree before taking the sign from his hands and kissing him. "Aww" I hear Junior say at the same time as Lexy says "ewww people in love stink, stop swallowing each other."

Devon and I pull apart before flicking off Lexy at the same time before turning towards each other with a smile. "Not to criticize but who the hell drew the drawings on the sides?" I ask jokingly. Devon scoffs before giving me a playful eye roll, "sorry we can't all be a 21st century mix of  Andy Warhol and Picasso, you still said yes though."

"I'm just saying, I would have added some fireworks and maybe some dancing skeletons-" I start before getting cut off. "What the hell does skeletons dancing have to do with a danceposal?" Junior asks in a scrunched face. "Nothing but it's a fun idea right?" I reply and rolls his eyes.

"Okay another question, how the hell did you guys do this?" I question yet again. "I lied to my mom about finding a potentially dangerous gas leak in here last week and asked her about how her image would look if the town saw her allowing students being put in potential danger due to a neglectful mayor. She ordered the school to shut down the auditorium indefinitely until she could have it checked out." Lexy explains and when she is done I just nod before thanking her.

I was with Devon in his room doing homework before pausing and turning to him. "You know I thought you didn't want to go to the dance with me." I say. "Why'd you think that?" He asks. I shrug. "I didn't think you'd want people knowing about us." I admit to him after a beat of silence.

"What? Never. What the hell can they do? They can't stop me from liking not dating you." He tells me and I smile before kissing his cheek. "Hey so what dance from high school musical are we doing at the dance?" He asks.

"That depends, am I Troy or Gabriella?" I ask. "Which is cuter to you?" He asks, damn these questions are neverending. "You know I'm gay right?" I deadpan. He laughs, "you can still find a girl pretty." He says.

"Okay then, Vanessa Hudgens is definitely pretty, so Gabriella's the pretty one." I answer. He nods. "Okay then your Troy" he answers. I scoff before grabbing a pillow and hitting him with it. He responds with grabbing one of his own and hitting me back.

We give each other a look before moving our homework off the bed. "Loser has to take the other's science notes for a week." I offer. "And they have to be Troy in our dance" he says. I agree to his terms and then the pillows start flying.
I deadass have had this in my drafts since November I'm so fucking sorry guys🤭🤣
Word count: 1338  Edited or Non-Edited

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