Requested | Campfires and Closed Tents

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Requested by anklebiter17
Info: the gang goes camping!!! Chaperoned by Kim and Paige (name I've given Oliver's mom) and the moms might just regret these choices.
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Kim's pov

Due to being both a cop, a basic human and a mother I don't condone the act of murdering kids. My morals however are being pushed as much as my patience right now. I was currently driving a rented car full of 6 passengers not including me.

To my right in the passenger seat was Paige Hayden, Oliver's mom. Behind her was Lexy who had Junior to her left with Oliver to his. Behind them in the last row of seats was Jake and Devon. The last seat next to them held some sleeping bags and road snacks.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you if you don't take it back!" Lexy yells at Oliver and began to reach over Junior to hit him only for Junior to hold her back. "Lexy language!" Paige scolds her. "Wait no sorry I'm not your mom, please stop yelling. Yes that's what I mean." Paige corrects herself. Lexy scoffs.

"Your bastard of a son keeps saying stupid shit." Lexy responds. "Don't yell at my mom!" Oliver yells at her. "Don't yell at me you fucker!" She yells to him. "God take me now" I hear Junior mumble under his breath. I couldn't agree more.

"What'd he even say?" Jake asks from his place in the back, cuddled up to Devon. "All he said was Heath Ledger wasn't a good joker." Junior replies for Lexy. A quick pause. "Are you fucking stupid?" Devon blurts out. "Why am I being bullied?" Oliver shouts. "Because you deserve it." Jake says.

"Thank you!" Lexy says. "It's not that serious, it's just my opinion." Oliver tried to defend himself. "Your opinion is trash and it's gonna get your balls sawed off your body and roasted on a fire in front of you!" Lexy threatens. Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with these damn kids? I spot a gas station coming up on the right side of the rode and decide to give everyone a break from being in the car.

"Okay shut up! We're leaving in ten minutes and everyone better have their shit together or I'm assigning seats and turning off the A/C." I say pulling into the gas station. I turn off the ignition before turning to face the kids. "Ten minutes. I'll leave anyone but Devon here." I threaten.

"Damn what about me?" I hear Jake mutter as I turn away. As everyone gets out of the car, the kids go into the gas station. "I'm gonna go in there. I need a coffee." Paige tells me, pointing to where the kids went. "And I need a gin and tonic." I reply before exhaling and going to fill up the gas.

Jake's pov

"Okay I'm gonna mix Coca Cola and Cherry" I tell Devon after finally deciding what flavor slurpee I wanted. He hums."I'm mixing lemonade and blue raspberry." "Ooh let's see if they have gushers or fruit roll-ups." He tells me excitedly. My boyfriend had a sweet kinda rubbed off on me.

"Only if you promise to tell your mom I didn't feed into your sugar addiction when she catches you with it." I bargain. He smiles at me before leaning in and giving me a soft peck on the lips. I smile and kiss back as I always did. "Not a chance." He replies before walking to find the gummy snacks, with my hand in his and our fingers interlocked.

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