info|×announcement×|PLS READ!!!

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This is gonna be a lot so let me go ahead and dive in

Apparently people in the fandom are not only hating on Devon saying things like "Jake deserves better" and "he's not a good bf" but they are coming for the actor (Björgvin) and body shaming him with comments like "he's too skinny" or "why isn't he buff like Zack" at such things like that

This is body-shaming (it comes in all forms )and this is annoying in general, if you don't like something and don't have a positive thing to say about something then DON'T SPEAK ON IT!!! Some of these ppl are getting too comfortable asserting themselves, their opinions, and feelings onto the lives of the actors. They know they what they signed up for but this is not fame, it's bullying.

I found out this stuff through a TikTok addressing the hate and defending björgvin (we love too see it) so I wanted to let you guys know so you would be updated. If you for any reason agree with these ppl and their views stop supporting me, mute me, unfollow me, all of the above for all I care. I DO NOT SUPPORT BULLSHIT LIKE THIS. LEAVE PEOPLE THE FUCK ALONE, YOU ARE BEHIND A FUCKING SCREEN HATING ON A LITERAL CHILD.

I understand not liking characters but rude comments on actors who aren't problematic and hateful but are kind and creative and funny and more is not tolerated. You don't have the right to comment on others because you don't know how far they'll take it to mold themselves into your image of them, and you don't even know them. You're not a friend or family ppl who cares for them or someone from their everyday lives, you don't get to say things to "help them" when you're just being a bitch.

I'm sorry this isn't an update (they're in editing/writing) but I wanted to be real with you guys for a moment and bring attention to toxic ppl in the fandom we need to avoid and hold accountable

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