Chapter XXIII: White Out and Rescue

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3rd POV:

Damon watched as the originals all at once pressed their hand to their eye, Klaus growling out the uncomfortable feeling he was feeling in his eye.

"We're going in now." Bonnie spoke up, they had come up with the plan for Alaric, Bonnie, Matt and Tyler to go in. Jeremy wanted to help as well, but Bonnie had argued with him until he surrendered.

Bonnie walked up to the door of the Whitmore House, glancing back to see Jeremy sitting with Damon and Stefan on the car bumper. Klaus was pacing the field, trying to stay in a calm state, while Finn and Elijah stared at the group going to rescue their mate.


Once inside, it didn't take long for them to find the basement door, Alaric going first followed by Bonnie, Matt and then Tyler. A scream echoing throughout the hall once they had reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Was that-" Tyler started, feeling a chill run down his spine at the sound.

"Hilda." Bonnie finished, nodding. The pain in the continuous screaming made all of them cringe and feel bad. Bonnie moved quicker, looking for the tribrid that had somewhat made her life a bit better. Ever since Hilda had come into their lives, the originals have backed off of them. The promise to help them if any more trouble came. Bonnie knew her Grams would have appreciated the treaty that was created.  "We should split up. Hilda won't leave here without her nephew. We need to find him and Hilda." Bonnie said, looking to Tyler and Alaric. Matt went to stand with Tyler.

"I'll go with Tyler, we'll find Hilda. Bonnie and Ric go find Fern." Matt decided.

"Matt- Hilda won't protect you-" Bonnie tried. But Matt shook his head.

"You know Lacy, so you might be able to find Fern. I want to help Hilda, she's making this town better and I want to try and be on her good side." Matt said. Bonnie sighed, nodding.

"Alright. Come on Ric." Bonnie muttered, walking away with Ric. Tyler looked to Matt, a bit shocked he chose him to go with him. The two boys followed the sound of screams, leading the opposite way of where Bonnie and Ric went.

"You're not supposed to be down here." A woman spoke, coming out of a room. Tyler turned towards her and frowned.

"We're not?" He asked her with an innocent look. She stared at Matt and Tyler before moving to press a button on the wall. Tyler wasted no time, snapping the woman's neck. "She brought that on to herself." Tyler muttered. Matt looked at the woman. "She wasn't innocent, Matt. She has been helping experiment on innocent people." Tyler told his friend, seeing the look of guilt on his friends face.

"Let's just get Hilda and go. This place is giving me the creeps." Matt told him.

They made their way to the door that held the screams. A voice talking over them, making Tyler pause, holding his hand up to Matt to stop him as he listened in.

"I see that the Elf genes in you are still fighting the Vervain and Wolfsbane. The Iron seems to be deteriorating where I place it though. Your hand, still not healed, if anything worse. Your eye, hmm, may never be usable again." The voice spoke. Tyler scrunched his eyebrows together.

"He found a way to hurt her." Tyler whispered to Matt. A look of shock spreading onto his face. Tyler wasted no time, slamming the door open. A man in a lab coat looked over to them, shocked.

"You shouldn't be here." He told them, moving away slowly.

"You know its funny, someone else told us the exact same thing." Tyler remarked. Matt moved to the table where Hilda was whimpering. Matt grabbed her face.

"Hilda- Hilda, it's me. Matt." He spoke to her calmly, trying to get her to calm down. Her eyes snapped open making Matt jump slightly. "Oh my god." Matt muttered, staring at her eyes.

One eye was normal, a pretty green that had the Mikaelson's wrapped around her finger

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One eye was normal, a pretty green that had the Mikaelson's wrapped around her finger. The other one was different, the pupil and iris was completely white, whereas the sclera was pitch black. Blood oozing out the corners over grey veins that surrounded the eye. Hilda blinked, trying to look around, her eyes frantic in movement.

"Why is a human helping a monster?" The blonde scientist questioned. He knew Tyler was a werewolf since he was currently standing in front of him, but he had seen Matt before. He was very much human. Matt looked over to him.

"Because, she is the one person who is making our lives better." He told him, looking for the key to unlock her cuffs. Tyler sighed, smacking Wes in the head to knock him out. He moved quickly and broke the cuffs off of her.

"We'll take the scientist with us. Let Klaus and the others deal with him. Can you carry Hilda?" Tyler asked. Matt nodded.

"Where is Fern?? He's here. I saw him! I'm not leaving him!" Hilda finally snapped. Her eyes bouncing around to look for her nephew. The iron in her system was soaking into her mind, confusing her thoughts.

"Calm down. Bonnie and Ric are getting him. We need to get you out of here though." Matt said calmly, sliding his arms under her legs and back. Hilda laid her head against his chest, tired and unable to even attempt to fight him. Tyler grabbed Wes, carrying him over his shoulder as they made their way out of the Whitmore House.

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