Chapter LIII: Oh, brother

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I woke up feeling groggy and confused. Flashes of a black wolf flashing through my mind, growling and snarling. Then the feeling of the fur in my hands, soft and grainy with dirt. I sat up gasping as the panic sets. Not knowing what happened or where I was. The black wolf was on my bed, his head on my lap, lifting up when he saw me sit up. I flinched as he lets out a slight whine, nudging at my hands.

"Dad.." I whispered, laying my hands on his head. My breathing calming back down. The door opens to show Freya and Finn.

"Good you remember what happened." Freya said with a smile. Finn flashed over to me, sitting on the bed on the other side of me. I pressed my hand to my head, feeling the grogginess being replaced by small headache.

"I actually don't remember a whole lot. What happened? Why are you here?" I asked, looking around to see we were still in Highlands, North Carolina.

"Well there was an accident-" I shook my head at her.

"I remember that." I admitted. Finn reached over and took my hand, rubbing circles against the back of my hand.

"Well you apparently made a bubble around the car and using that much magic plus being double pregnant-"

"I overdid it." I finished for her. She nodded smiling. "But why are you here, no offense just didn't expect it."

"Well you refused to come back home, according to Finn and Elijah. So They had me come out here to help keep an eye on you." I rolled my eyes at that, Finn chuckling next to me, leaning his head over to nudge my head slightly. "Also, I might have found that spell you wanted." Freya mentioned, this grabbed Finn's attention.

"What spell??" He asked, looking at me. My dad also lifted his head up to look at me.

"I didn't mention something when we were at the hospital.." I started, sucking on my teeth as I avoided his eyes.

"What, Hilda? What's wrong?" Finn asked me, letting go of my hand to grab my chin, making me look at him. "Tell me."

"When Klaus's baby puts me into labor... It'll be too soon for Kol's... but once labor starts.." I trailed off, trying to calm my breathing.

"It can't be stopped." Finn concluded, releasing my chin.

"Bu-but the spell, it will work. Right, Freya?" I moved to look at her.

"There's always a possibility of it not- but it should." I nodded, looking down at the wolf that was nudging my stomach.

"But until then, we are going to find Ricki and break this curse." I decided, wiping a stray tear. "Where's the others?" Finn shook his head, clearing his mind of the potential stress of upcoming events.

"Klaus is waiting for your brother to show up. Kol and Elijah are getting food since you haven't eaten yet and Damon is on the phone." Finn explained, I snapped my gaze to him.

"Wait-What?" I questioned. "Klaus is- he found Ricki??" I asked, shock taking over me. Finn nodded. "Why wasn't I told?"

"Well, love-" Klaus announced as he opened the door. "You were being stubborn." I looked behind him to see Ricki standing there, shock on his face as he saw me and our dad. I stood up, alarming the wolf and Finn, stumbling out of bed only for Klaus to flash to my side, helping me stand. "You shouldn't be out of bed, you're still healing." Klaus whispered into my ear, breathing in my scent.

"I-I'm okay. Just still a bit dizzy." I mumbled. Klaus kept one hand on my lower back, supporting me as I pulled away to look at Ricki. He stood there in shock, staring from me to the wolf. "Ricki?" I questioned, my breath catching in my throat as he met my gaze.

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