Raid on the Stohess District

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Chrysanthe heard a voice 'I think it's time' Cassandra's voice echoed through her head she smirked and cut her wrist.

Her titan form made around her body she took a fighting stance Chrysanthe narrowed her eyes, everything was a stand still until Annie lunged forward with a kick. Chrysanthe moved narrowly missing it taking this opportunity to grab Annie's leg forcing her down to the ground, Chrysanthe grabbed Annie's head letting out a roar.

Annie was completely still looking in to the eyes of her opponent "What are you hiding? Are there more" Chrysanthe whispered to herself "Why... Why did you kill them?" she grabbed Annie's hair "Why did you do it!" her shouts came out more like a roar, she slammed Annie's head into the ground "Why! Why!" she screamed. 

Annie came to her senses and grabbed Chrysanthe's hair pulling it back they began to tussle kicking down buildings "Mental note to repair those buildings"  'Noted'. The pair tussled for a bit before soldiers swung in to distract Annie, Chrysanthe caught her bearings and looked towards Eren would be "What the hell is wrong with him now! I'm getting my ass whooped" she ranted Annie managed to pin Chrysanthe to the ground.

'Get up you're embarrassing us!' Cassandra ordered "Who the hell is us?!" Chrysanthe yelled back she crossed her arms over her head Annie kept punching it 'She gonna tear your arms off! Do something, use the beam thing!' "I don't even know how I did that! I'm doing my best!" 'I'm doing my best' Cassandra mimicked in a childish tone "Shut up!" crystals formed along Chrysanthe's arms. 

Annie's attacks were in vain now "See I did something" she cheekily grinned to her ancestor. Cassandra rolled her eyes Annie stopped swinging at Chrysanthe and looked in to her eyes "This would be really hot if we weren't trying to kill each other" she groaned trying  rise her arms "Annie baby look at me" Chrysanthe spoke even though the only person listening was Cassandra "This isn't you what ever this is we can fix it" She pleaded 'Are we really related?' "I don't know I've never seen you before" 'That doesn't surprise me' Cassandra sulked.

"Sorry to break up your looming but I don't think I can hold up any more" the crystal began breaking. Just then Eren swooped in hitting Annie out of the way in to a chapel, Chrysanthe got to her feet and moved behind Eren "You fucking waste man you just had to arrive late I was getting my ass whooped" she yelled from in side her titan. Eren charged toward Annie fueled by pure rage. 


Let's get a snippet of some random bs that's gonna happen in the future 

Chrysanthe sat in the library of the family mansion "What am I doing here?" She asked herself looking at the dress she was wearing. She picked herself up and wandered the mansion, no one around not even the staff she made it to her room pushing the door open she was greeted by a familiar look.

She sat at her vanity staring at her reflection "Damn I need a hair cut" she mumbled. "Thought you said you never wanted one" a voice made her jump "Shit it's you" she breathed out slowly.

They placed their hands on her shoulders their breath tickling her ear causing her to shiver "close your eyes" They instructed and she did as she was told  "O-okay". They ran their hands down her shoulders to her hands "Chrysanthe....have you ever...felt a feeling...the kind of feel you can't resist?" They asked this time their head dipped lower than her ear to her neck, Chrysanthe's breathing sped up-


Welp that's all for now see you soon oh yeah tell me who you think was with Chrysanthe.

have this 

have this 

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