The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost, Part 2

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3rd POV..

A little girl with blond hair and golden eyes looked around her new house in glee "Mommy! look I have my own room it's much more cozy than the one I have in the castle" she giggled hugging her mother "I know darling don't you just love it!" the woman said hugging her daughter.

A knock was heard "Coming!" the woman called walking over to the door with little Chrysanthe in tow. "Rose?!" "Carla!?" her mother shouted the two women embraced each other.

"How long has it been? and the little one's big" Carla asked looking down to Chrysanthe who hid behind her mother's leg "Chrysanthe..." her mother said "Say hi Chrys " .

But Chrysanthe hid even more "She's a bit shy around  people...wait is that Eren?" Rosetta asked Carla pushed him and Mikasa to Rosetta "Chrys..there's Mikasa..remember her..." Carla informed.

"..Your welcome to come in" Rosetta invited them in Chrysanthe never left her mother "Chrysanthe darling go play with Eren and Mikasa" her mother pushed her lightly to them.

Chrysanthe nodded and walked over to the pair "So Chrysanthe what games should we play?" Eren asked excited "W-well I do like it when the maids chase after me?" Chrysanthe told them "wait you ran away from the maids?" Eren asked "Why?" Mikasa spoke up "um...they would pull my hair and put me in uncomfortable dresses" Chrysanthe rocked back and forth on her heels.

"Oh that makes lets play I'm it!" Eren shouted Chrysanthe let out a squeal and ran off with Mikasa.

While running away Chrysanthe got lost from Mikasa but while looking she saw a blonde boy get pushed to the wall by some older boys "Hey!" She shouted gaining their attention, Chrys ran u and stood protectively in front of the boy despite her being shorter then him. But what she didn't know that Mikasa was following her all this time.  

"Heh...look what we have here a pretty little thing" A older boy said gripping her chin roughly "Leave him alone!" Chrys forced herself away from the boy but that failed "Now now be a good girl...why don't you run off play with dollies" this made Chrysanthe very angry  so angry she brought her tiny fist to the boy's jaw possibly breaking it, the punch sent him backwards.

"What the hell?!" The boy shouted as his friends gather around him Chrysanthe puffed out her cheeks yelling "I told you to back off Idiots!" while the boys ran off, Chrys turned  around asked "You ok? what do you got there?" looking at the book "'s a book about the outside world" the blond stuttered. 

"Really there was one in the library but my great aunt never allowed me to read it" Chrysanthe said dazzled by the book " you like to read it with me" The boy asked her "Sure!" they both sat down and looked thorough the book Chrysanthe laid her head on his shoulder making the boy gasp "Hold on you don't even know my name and you're laying on me?" he asked her "Oh! um My name is Chrysanthe" the small girl smiled up to him "I'm Armin" the boy smiled down to her.

"There I know you now and you know me" Chrys snuggled in to Armin's shoulder marveling at the book below then they heard "CHRYSANTHE!!!!!!" they both looked up to see Eren and Mikasa running towards them Mikasa was the first to reach them pulling the smaller girl in her arms squishing her cheeks together "We were looking all over at least your here with Armin" Eren told us Chrysanthe look up to Mikasa with teary eyes "I-I'm sorry Mika" she stuttered out hugging Mikasa "Huh? Mika?" Eren said confused "Yeah Mika...her nickname you know you guys can call me Chrys that what my mom calls me," Chrys explained then looked over to  Mikasa "Please forgive me!".

Mikasa looked down and said something that shocked the boys "You're too cute ok" "What?!?" Eren shouted as Armin chuckled "Well look at her she's cute" Mikasa said turning Chrysanthe to the boys who blushed Mikasa lets go of the girl saying "I think that's enough games we better get back to eat dinner" 

With saying byes to Armin the three made their way back to their homes, on the way Eren lifted Chrysanthe on his shoulders "so how did you get the bullies off him?" he asked "I broke a boy's jaw" was Chrysanthe response Eren came to a sudden stop with flung her in to Mikasa's.

"WHAT!? YOU DID THAT!!?" Eren screamed so hard it disrupted a flock of bird "Should I have told you that before?" Chrysanthe asked innocently.

Another memory came along 

A Tired Young Chrysanthe was walking home from the bakery when she noticed Miksas being troubled by some boys "Hey what are you doing?" she asked monotonously.

One of the boy snorted "Non of your business now go home!" he laughed rottenly "See that's my best friend so it is my business" Chrysanthe replied still keeping her calm aura "I SAID IT'S NON OF YOUR BUSINESS YOU BRAT!" the boy yelled lunching himself hat her with his fist.

To his surprise Chrysanthe dropped the bag of bread and caught his fist just as it was about to hit her face "You really shouldn't hit girls" Chrysanthe told him moving his fist to the side without struggling, the other boy watch in a mix of amazement and Horror.

"Huh!?" the boy said in surprise "Didn't you mother tell you that..Tch! you'll hit your wife some day guess I gotta teach you a lesson" she said but something in Chrysanthe changed her bangs were now covering her face and she had a dangerous glow about her.

Without warning Chrysanthe pulled the boy forward harshly and slammed her other hand in the back of his neck knocking him out as the boy fell to the ground Chrysanthe turned to the other "Do you want that to happen to you?" she asked dangerously. They all shook their head rapidly "Good I suggest you leave my Mikasa alone or the same thing will happen to you!" she warned them they picked up their friend and ran off.

"You ok Mika?" Chrysanthe asked her friend Cutely picking up the bag of bread "Yeah I'm fine thank you" Mikasa said "B-but why did you save me?" this made Chrysanthe pause "Because your my best friend...and I love you isn't that's why people save people they love.? dad did it to my mom once" she told Mikasa who smiled "I love you too Chrysanthe.." Mikasa replied pulling her scarf closer. 

Chrysanthe's face brighten up "Yay! now lets get married!" she cheered pulling Mikasa along "W-Wait no Chrysanthe not that kind of love" Mikasa stopped her "Oh! right well lets get home ok!" Chrysanthe realized then started pulling Mikasa home .

"You gave me hope, You smiled all the time...I will fight for the people I love! just like you Chrysanthe!" Mikasa said killing titan on her way.

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