Epilogue 3

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The Interview
(!Very long chapter ahead!)
[Double upload whaaa?!]

3rd person POV

Everyone in the fanfic, film thing has had a celebrity interview with many diffrent people. And today is Clay and George's celebrity interview with watch mojo and although George is very confident, Clay on the other hand is very nervous...
"I cant belive THE watch mojo is gonna interview us! I remember watching them as a kid and it was so exciting watching what would happen next and I always hoped to talk with them but now it's become a reality... and fuck I'm nervous" Clay says as he sweats in his green hoodie while pacing the hallway while George is sat down on a chair.

"Its gonna be fineeee" George says

"It really isn't! I'm a big fan of them! I've watched them as a kid and fuck... I'm scaird" Clay looks at George with worry.

"Ok fine" George sighs as he stands up and hugs Clay.

"Its gonna be ok Clay. Dont be nervous... their just gonna ask some questions about the film and we can go" George re assures Clay as Clay hugs back

"Ok..." Clay says as they leave the hug.
They both stared into eachothers eyes as time around them froze... why does this feel like a scene from this fanfic? Anywho, they both start to get closer and closer to eachother. Dream's hands slowly hovers over George's waist as George's hands hover over Dreams shoulders as they both nod for consent as their faces become closer. Their lips to-
"Clay and George?" A voice asks as they both jump and move away from eachother with red faces

"Um... why was that scene written with Dream instead of Clay?" The interviewee asks

"Incase their uncomfortable with using Dreams real name so instead the author used the names characters in the fanfic." A diffrent voice says as the 3 look at Sheep0 sitting on the floor

"I- anyways let's begin with the interview?" The interviewee asks as the 2 nods and walk into a professional room with the movies poster in the background and 3 chairs.

"Starting to record in 3...2...1..." the camera guy says as the camera rolls

"Welcome to watch mojo. I'm your host, Drista. Also known as Clay's younger sister" Drista smirks as George's jaw drops

"Wait... you have a sister?! And works for watch mojo?!" George asks as Clay sinks into his chair

"Yes I have a sister, and she does but I thought you were interviewing Ash Ketchum?" Clay asks as Drista smirks

"He was ill so today you have me brother" Drista laughs as Clay groans

"So anyways... what was it like recording on the set of this movie?" Drista asks

"Well it was really cool. I'm exited for what their gonna produce next and if its going to be based around our omegaverse universe or a whole diffrent one." George smiles

"I like the cakes Quackity, AKA Alex made. They were really nice" Clay smiles as George agrees

"Were you happy that the film was based around our omegaverse universe or do you prefer a whole diffrent universe?" Drista asks

"I like a change once in a while but acting like our day to day lives... kinda was fun" Clay explains

"I prefer fantasy films with fairys, demons and more. Also medieval" George says

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