Chapter 7

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Seungs Pov

I was trying my best not to look at him so I was trying my best to focus on the work. Class ended quickly so after Mr. Kim assigned the homework, I dashed out of class and went to find Jisung so we could go to the cafeteria for nutrition. Once I found him, we took off to the cafeteria.

Lix Pov

I was going and try to talk to Seungmin, but he dashed out of the class. I sighed and put my stuff away to got find Hyunjin but, while I was putting stuff away, I saw something on top of Seungmin's table. It was a pen. Now I might have a reason to talk to him.

After walking for 2 minutes, I found Hyunjin "Hey mate" I say smiling. "Hey Felixxx~" he said in a funny voice, "Whatcha got there?" He asked me. "Seungmin left his pen on his table so imma give it to him". He made a hum noise in response.

We made it to the cafeteria and Hyunjin made it to the line to get food, since he missed breakfast. "I'm starving", he says, I just chuckled. After he grabbed his tray, we went to find a table. Once we did, he asked me "Am I still helping you talk to him or no?" he said kinda of worried. I know he is scared so I told him "Yes and no, since I think I'm not 100% sure but he is avoiding me why I don't know but could you just kinda bump into him and make him lose balance so I could catch him after lunch? you don't know to talk to his friend or anything". I told him and he made an unsure face but then nodded. "Sure, I'll help but imma feel bad after for "accidentally" bumping into him".

I then tell him "Thanxx mate I still owe you with his friend", I say that to him and smirk while he just blushed and say "Y-yah". We both laugh. After 2 minutes or so, the bell rings and we are off to class.

Seungs Pov

Once we sat down at table, I told Jisung everything that happened during first period. "Wow, you chicken" he said that and I whacked him. "Ow that hurt, but sorry dude it's true". I roll my eyes at him while he laughs. We started to talk about random things until the bell rings.

We both headed to class since we have the same one. We got there, took our seats, and waited until the teacher came in. Once the teacher came, she started teaching. Class went by so slow today and me and Jisung we're both kinda bored. Well I was, he was so bored he almost fell asleep, but I whacked him to get up. Finally, after 10 or 15 minutes, the bell rings and we head outside to the garden to talk.

Lix Pov

During class, since it was boring and slow today, I told Hyunjin what we were going to do. I whisper to him "Ok so we'll try and find him (Seungmin) and you'll bump into him and I'll be in front of him to catch him from falling" he then whispered "Why can't you just look for him and tell him "Hey you left your pen on your desk during class", wouldn't that be easier?"

I sigh and say "I know but, I feel like if I do say something, he would try and run away". He hummed in response. "By the way, I'ma tutor someone today for science so you'll be walking alone, sorry". He told me and I respond saying "Don't worry mate it's all good".

Finally, after forever, the bell rang and we went to lunch. I spent like 15-20 minutes just to find him and then I finally saw him. I grabbed his pen out and signaled Hyunjin to bump into him. The weird thing was, he wasn't with his friend. So before he could see me, I run into the crowd to blend in.

Hyunjin then bumped into him and said something unexpected happened. He fell and Hyunjin bumped him too hard that it made me fall as well, but I grabbed a good grip on the pen so it wouldn't fall out. Just with our luck, the bell rang which meant we had at least 3 minutes to get to class. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry" I heard him say. " No it's alright, I'm not hurt". I get up and put the pen in my pocket, then I say "Here, I'll help you up". I put my hand out to help him, he then lifts his head up and looks at me. His eyes widen.

He tried to get up quickly by himself but almost fell back down if I didn't grab him. I then tell him "I'll get you to your class".

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