Chapter 12

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Jisungs Pov

We continued to work for another hour and then decided to stop for today. Hyunjin then asked me "I'll walk you home if you want". My eyes kinda widen at what he said but I then tell him "N-no it's ok I-i don't what to bother you". I said to him but he insisted on walking me home, so I let him. After we were walking, we talked about which movies are better action or comedy. I personally think comedy is better but he doesn't think so.

"No because action it's a lot of cool fight scenes and in comedy they're none." "Umm there are a few fight scenes in comedy movies like The Hitmans Bodyguard" "Yea yea the movie was more action than anything". "But it was still funny" "Yea okk". I sigh at what he said. Then there was a comfortable silence.

We then reached the house, I open the door to see Seungmin with Felix laughing at what I guess was a movie. "Hey Seungmin" he looks at me and his eyes widen. "H-hey Ji".

Lix Pov

Half way during the movie, I get two messages. 1 from Hyunjin and one from Changbin. Hyunjin says

Drama llama


Changbin hyung says

Binnie hyung

Binnie hyung

Ok but be careful coming

Don't worry I will :))

I then again was going apologize to Seungmin but he said "No need to say sorry" he said with a smile.

His smile is sooo cute. I think I might like him, no I do like him. But I wasn't ready for him to know and plus we just met.

Seungs Pov

I noticed him going to say sorry for picking up his phone but I stopped him and told him there was no need to say sorry. We then continued to watch the movie. After a while, there was a funny part that came up and both of us were laughing like crazy. I heard his laugh and gave me butterflies again, not like they even left. Then I hear "Hey Seungmin" I recognize the familiar voice, it was Jisungs. My eyes widen.

I respond by saying "O-oh h-hey Ji". I then noticed that he wasn't alone, so once he came in and I think I saw Hyunjin. I hear Felix say hi and introduce himself. Jisung then looks at me and smirks. I then see Hyunjin come in to see what was happening I guess. I make eye contact with Jisung again but I did a smirk this time.

After clearing the whole confusing situation, they both decided to leave and get some rest but, before they did, Felix asks me "Could I have your number?" "S-sure, it's (xxx) xxx-xxxx." He types it on his phone and said "Cool thanxx", With a smile. I was going to open the door for them, then remembered my foot, so Jisung opens the door for them.

Jisungs Pov

After hearing the whole thing, they were going to head out but I heard Felix ask for Seungmin's number. He gave it to him and then I saw him trying to get up but then he gave up. So I opened the door for them. Before they were fully out, Hyunjin was about to leave the door until he said "Can I have your number? y-you know for the tutoring sessions" "O-oh yes it's (xxx) xxx-xxxx". "Ok thanxx goodnight and cya tomorrow at school" "N-no problem goodnight and cya". They both were out of sight and I closed the door with butterflies in my stomach.

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