Chapter 24

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Lix Pov

We were texting some more. He then texted me

Minnie 💕

Well I'll cya at school

Before I said bye I was going to ask him if he wanted to walk to school to school again, but looks like he already knew what I was thinking. He put

Minnie 💕

And yes I'll walk to
school with you tomorrow:)

I smiled and put


Already knew what I was
going to say huh
but okkiee goodnight
cya in the morningg❤️

I turn off my phone but I heard a *ding* he put

Minnie 💕


I just smile to myself and fall asleep with a goofy smile.

Seungs Pov

We started texting for a while until I started getting sleepy so I told him that I'll see him tomorrow at school. But before he said bye or I did, I told him

Lixie 💞


And yess I'll walk to school
with you tomorrow:)

He then texted me

Lixie 💞

Already knew what I was
going to say huh but
okkiee goodnight and
cya in the morningg❤️

I felt my face heat up and my butterflies in my stomach. I reply back by saying



And with that I feel asleep with a big smile.

I wake up in the middle of the night because I felt thirsty. I go downstairs and I see Jisung sleeping on the couch. I just smile, shaking my head and went to get myself water. But as I was drinking it, I heard him mumble something "No Seungmin please don't, don't go please". I went to him and noticed he was crying.

"Hey, hey Jisung, Ji wake up", I said to him trying to get him to wake up. He wakes up panting and looking all over the place. He finally looks at me and he hugs me. "Hey you wanna talk about it?" I asked him, he looks at me and nods. I then sit next to him and asked "So whats wrong?" "I had a b-bad dream that, that you were getting bullied and they were beating you up hard and I tried breaking free but two of his friends were holding me and once he had enough with you y-you you're d-dying on the f-floor". I look at him and my eyes soften. I knew he tried saying that without crying. I then tell him "I will never leave you and you know I WILL fight back, but maybe the whole dream wasn't about me". He looked at me confused and said "W-what do you mean?" "What I mean is that, you got affected by it and that I'll leave you if I start to hang out with Felix more".

"But w-why would I feel like that if I know you'll never leave me ?" "I don't know, but I promise you that I won't EVER leave you no matter what okk?" He then says "Okk". I hug him and he hugs me back, we then pull away. He asked me "By the way what are you doing up?" "I was thirsty so I came down for water." "Ohh okk". I then suggested "Why don't we get some sleep?" "Sure", we then walk up stairs,

We went to his room first I hugged him and said "Goodnight and remember I will never ever leave you okk?" "Goodnight and I know you won't". We pulled away but before he closed the door I told him "By the way were walking with Felix and Hyunjin tomorrow". "Okk thanxx for letting me know, I'll know to wake up early". "Yea no problem and that IF you wake up early".

We both started to chuckle and I said "Goodnight Jisungie", "Goodnight Seungminnie". With that, he closed his door and I went to my room and fell asleep.

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