Chapter 35

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Lix Pov

I wake up to my alarm. I got up quickly. I went to my closet, pick the perfect (outfit on top)  outfit. I go to the bathroom, get changed, brush my teeth, and fix my hair. I looked good. I reread the letter one more time and tried to say it. Once I said it without looking at. I memorized the whole thing, I was ready. I also grabbed Seungmin's pen before heading downstairs.

I went downstairs and Changbin was there. "Morning hyung". I said in a happy mood. "Morning, someone's in a good mood, could it be because you're confessing to Seungmin?" Changbin asked me and I said "Yup, I'm so excited, I'm nervous, scared and happy". "Why are you scared?" Hyunjin asked when he came downstairs. "I'm scared that Seungmin is gonna reject me, or he hopefully does like me back, but gets mad at me when I tell him about the foot incident". I answered him and I slouched on the couch.

"Come on Lix, I don't think he's gonna get mad about the foot incident, and the rejection one... just don't think negative". Changbin told me. I smile at him and he says "You're right, I shouldn't think negative", with a smile. Soon after the little discussion, we left to pick up Jeongin.

Changbin drove to his house. Hyunjin texted him this time. He then left his house and came running to the car. Again, he rode in the front. We started talking on the way there, Jeongin then asked me "So you're gonna confess to Seungmin hyung today?" I then answer him "Yea, hopefully everything goes well". I was gonna say something again, but Hyunjin butted in and said "He's scared Seungmin's gonna reject him or get mad when he finds out we were *coughs* he's responsible for his foot".

Jeongin looks at me and his eyes widen, he also said "So you're the one responsible for Seungmin's foot, also how and why did you do it?" I sigh and tell him. "I know it was wrong, but like I said, he probably would have ran away from me". Jeongin just looked at me and said "If I'ma be honest, I'd probably would have done the running away". He then chuckled. Hyunjin then asked him, "Okay but whose fault was it really? mine or Felix?"

The rest of the car ride was arguing about who's fault it actually was. "Okay it's both your faults, now stop arguing cause we're here". Changbin told us. He parked the car, and we got out. I decided to be more confident with Seungmin. We were walking to the entrance and they were waiting for us. We went up to them and said hi.

Seungs Pov

We woke up a little bit more after our alarms went off, but we still made it, even though it was a little bit after 11. Since we got there early-ish we were talking. "Hey Seungmin-ah do you think Hyunjin likes Jisung?" Minho hyung asked me. I reply "Of course, he makes it obvious, but Jisung chooses not to believe it". Minho chuckled at me. He then went to Chan hyung and whispered something in his ear, Chan hyung did the exact same thing to Minho. I just shrugged the feeling off.

Not long after the others arrived. I said hi to the others, but when it came to Felix, he hugged me again. I felt butterflies in my stomach and I'm probably pink or maybe even red. But of course I hugged him back. We pulled away from each other after a while. Jisung smirked while Chan and Minho hyung smiled at me. "Should we go get the tickets now?" Chan said, "Yes and here we put our money together". Changbin said, "Okay and we got ours too". Minho said, Jeongin then said "I-i also brought some money, its not much but I brought some".

The hyungs' looked at each other and Minho hyung said "No keep it, we'll pay for you, you need the money for yourself". He said that with a smile.  Jeongin was about to say something, but Chan hyung said "Just use the money for food", Chan hyung also gave him a smile. "Are you sure about it?" Jeongin wanted to make sure, Changbin hyung then said "Yes, just use the money for yourself, more importantly for food, listen to them". He smiled at Jeongin, he smiled back and said "Okay".

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