Chapter 28

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Lix Pov

We got the blankets and went back to the living room. "Ok got the blankets", I told the rest. "Finally" Hyunjin said. "We didn't take that long" I told them. Hyunjin then said "Yea yea you did, what were you guys doing" he paused for a moment and then said "Making out" with a smirk.

My eyes widen at what he said and I can feel myself turning red. I look at Seungmin and he was RED (like the K in Stray Kids). I think I saw Jisung smirk as well but I shrugged that thought off. I then tell them "We were just looking for for the big blankets". "Yea sure". There was an awkward silence between me and Seungmin. I break the silence by saying to him "Sorry about Hyunjin". "He then said N-no its its f-fine".

I was about to say something to Seungmin, but before anything came out of my mouth, I heard "We found a movie!" "Shall we go?" Seungmin asked me. I nod my head yes. "Hope you don't mind scary movies", Changbin said. "No I don't mind them" Seungmin said. "I didn't know you liked scary movies?" I said to him. He then said "Well I get a little scared during them but I like watching them, plus Jisung's the one that can't watch them without holding onto someone". Seungmin whispered the last part to me and I smirked. 

"Ohh okay". "Hey the blankets are only big enough for 2 people", Hyunjin said. "Yea we picked them out so we won't have that much to clean up after". "Well then pick a partner." Oh and can you and Seungmin get one more blanket then, I invited Chan and Minho", Changbin hyung said to us. "Okay hyung, come on Minnie".

Me and Seungmin went back to get a blanket and while we were looking Seungmin said "Found one!" "Okay we can go back, but let me help you first". I helped him by grabbing the blanket while he fixes himself a bit. We went back and I said "Okay we got the other blanket". "Okay they should be here in a few minutes", Changbin says. "Okay by the way what movie are we watching?" Seungmin asked. Jeongin then said "The Conjuring the Devil Made Me Do It". I looked and Seungmin and he looked a bit worried but then calmed down. he then turned to look at Jisung who looked quite scared. "Okay so partners who's gonna be with who?" Changbin hyung asked.

"I'll be with Jeongin, well I mean that's only if you want to though?" I saw Jeongin blush when Changbin hyung said that, he also blushed a little as well. "Yea t-that's fine with me", Jeongin said with a smile.

Seungs Pov

After Hyunjin's comment I turned sooo red. Felix turned red too but not as much as me. Felix was then explaining to what we were doing. It was awkward between me and Felix afterwards. But he broke the silence by saying he was sorry about Hyunjin. I just tell him that its ok.

I then heard they found a movie. They asked if we didn't mind scary movies. I said I didn't and I guess it surprised Felix, cause he said "I didn't know you liked scary movies?" I just told him I get scared a bit but I still like watching them. I then went closer to him and whispered "Jisung can't watch them without holding onto someone". I'm not sure but I think I have an idea. I think he was thinking of the same thing, because I think he smirked.

Hyunjin then noticed the blankets and said why only 3 big blankets that can cover 2 people. Felix explained so we wouldn't have much to clean up. Hyunjin just said ok. Changbin hyung then asked me and Felix to get another blanket cause he invited Chan and Minho hyung. Felix then called me to go help him, so I did.

We were looking for them and I found one. I told Felix I found one and he came to where I am. He grabbed the blanket while I fixed myself. Once I did, we went back into the living room. I didn't ask before so I asked about what movie we were going to watch and they said The Conjuring The Devil Made Me Do It. I got kinda nervous but calmed down.

Changbin hyung then asked about partners. He said that he was gonna be with Jeongin. He then asked Jeongin if its actually ok with him and I think so, I'm pretty sure I saw a small blush on Changbins face. There was one Jeongin's face you can tell if you really pay attention to it.

Jeongin then said it was okay and Changbin hyung got a little bit more pink. I then tell them "Well Minho and Chan are gonna be partners that's for sure". Jisung agreed with me. Jeongin then asked us "Wait they're together right?" "Yea they are, they've been together ever since", Jisung told him.

Everyone looked shocked besides me and Jisung. "They've been together ever since and they're not married yet?!" Changbin said. I then said "Yea but some people already think they're married, don't tell them I told you this, but whenever someone says something about marriage to them, both of them get super red". Jeongin giggled, Changbin as well as Felix smiled, and Hyunjin and Jisung smirked.

We started to talk about being partners again and I said "Jisung gets scared of scary movies so he needs someone to hold onto". Jisung looked at me and gave me a deadly look. Felix then said "Hyunjin could be his partner". I looked at Hyunjin and he looked at Felix kinda the same way Jisung looked at me.

"Seungmin I can't be your partner?" Jisung asked me. "I wish I could, but  I'm Felix's partner", Jisung looked at me a smirked a bit. He then looked kinda sad. Then I remember the promise. I then asked Felix "Can I talk to you in private?", he said "Sure". We go to the kitchen, "I'm sorry I know I said we will be partners but I made a promise to Jisung".

I couldn't really read his expressions this time. All he said was "No its fine, I guess I'll be partners with Hyunjin. He smiled but it was a sad smile.

But what they didn't know was someone was listening to their convo.

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