Chapter 10

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Jisungs Pov

Once class ended, my science teacher found me and took me to a classroom. I thought it was empty but someone was already in there. It was Hwang Hyunjin. My eyes widen at the sight. Then the teacher says "Ok so this is your tutor for Science Hyunjin", I just gulped and she then introduced me. "Hyunjin this is Jisung", I wave hi, I didn't know why but my face was getting hot. I tried to calm down. She then tells us, "Ok so this is going to be your first tutoring session and only session in this class, your other ones will either be at your houses or the library, but if it's at the Library you're both going to have to be out at 6:00 because it closes at 6:15 alright".

I nod my head yes. After she left, I went to sit next to him.

Hyunjin Pov

I was waiting for the kid I was going to tutor to come. After a minute, the teacher comes in with Seungmin's friend. I tried not to panic, so I calmed down by taking unnoticeable breathes. She then introduced me, I waved a little hi but he didn't see it. Then the teacher introduced him, his name is Jisung. While she was telling us the plan I guess, she then left the class. He then sat next to me.

Jisungs Pov

I then sat next to him but I felt kinda weird but I had to stay if I wanted to graduate. I was in thought until Hyunjin snapped me out of it. "Uh hey should we get started?" "H-huh yea s-sure". I tried focusing but his face it's full with beauty. "Uh Jisung focus please". I heard him say and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"O-oh Y-yea s-sorry". I stuttered out, he just gave me a smile and said "It's ok but please pay attention". I nod my head yes while trying to calm down my blush.

Hyunjin's Pov
I couldn't believe that I was going to tutor him in science. Out of all students, it was him. But I was kinda glad so I could get to know him. As I was talking about the topic, I noticed he zoned out so I snapped him out by saying "Uh Jisung focus please", "O-oh Y-yea s-sorry." Ughh he's too cute so I gave him a smile and said "It's ok but please pay attention" he nods his head yes in response. I don't know if it was me but, I think I saw him blush. I snapped out of my own thoughts and continued to explain the topic to him.

It wasn't till' long I get a text from Felix saying

Hey I'm going to be
home a little late

Ok but did u tell hyung??

I turned off my phone and tell Jisung "Sorry my friend texted me, that he was gonna be late". He said "N-no it's ok I get it", he said that with a little smile at the end. His smile is soooo cute, I thought to myself. I then say "Ok then let's return".

Jisung Pov
While we were working, he took out his phone. I just thought it was Felix texting him. He told me he was sorry and that it was his friend texting him. I just say that it was fine and that I understand. I gave him a little smile while saying that.

We were probably working for an hour and a half and I asked him "Can we uh take a break?" He says "Good idea". I sigh in relief and go on my phone to check the time, it was 4:30. Then Hyunjin said something I never have thought of to me.

Hyunjin Pov

We were working and then he suggests that we take a break. I told him "Good idea". He then gets out his phone and then puts it away so I decided to try and start a conversation. "So uh what do you like to do on your free time?" He looks at me and says "O-oh well, I rap, sometimes I sing, and I compose songs, what do you like to do?" He asked me so I respond "Well I dance and I also do some rapping". After asking more questions, it turns out we have a lot in common. During our convo, I heard a vibration in my pocket so I tell Jisung "Excuse me really quick" he nods in response. Felix replied


Yea I texted him not to
long ago


Oh okkkk

I turn off my phone and continued talking with Jisung. Sure it was awkward at first but it got more comfortable as time passed.

Jisung Pov

After Hyunjin started the conversation, he excused himself because he got a text. I knew it was Felix I'm guessing, but why was he going to be home late? I shrugged off my thought when he continued to talk.

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