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Thank for being there.
For you to enjoy this story, you need a vivid imagination.

Loyal Ak

For over a century I have lived in secret. In a savage city called fire hall,  Hiding in corners, lonely and scared I have never known my great powers until now, am a brown gigantic werewolf called penny Williams and this is my story.

Jumping from my bedroom window,  wearing a black dress without shoes I shifted in mid-air, I can never get used to the feeling.
Landing on my now four feet I rush toward the woods, halting now and then, sniffing the air.

I smelled something that am scared of, something that is pulling me by invisible threads, something that I have been fighting to stay away from over the years. I smelled human blood.

Every strength in my body pulled me toward it and I rushed toward the smell, trampling dry leaves and sticks. Something cracks nearby and I spin my head in that direction.A young boy around the age of twelve sitting down about fifteen miles away.

I could hear his pulse beating against his neck, his breath loud and clear in my ears. I crept up slowly on him about to pounce, but something unexpected happened.

Don't do it, back away, I said  back away

I shook my head trying to shake out the voice but I failed. I rolled on the ground using my feet to cover my ears and I suddenly rush up looking around me, there was a black wolf on the other side across from the boy.

All my sensors went wild, I started to hear everything at once, the boy's breath, wild beasts, crunching of leaves, whispering of birds, the smell of blood, a sweet perfume, and all the hair stood straight on my back.

A emotion stronger than ever took over my body and it's called scared.

I twirl around and I race my self back to the old house. I shifted in my body and I locked myself in.

"I have met him, he must be the alpha." I said aloud to myself, I haven't met anyone of my kind during my time here. Am a child that was left abandoned by the roadside, A child that grew up in a normal hardship of an orphan childhood until I accidentally killed someone.

There was this party keeping at the orphanage. A lot of drunk kids and college students were there, there was this girl called Sandra Cooper,  she got the hottest boy on the campus for her boyfriend.

She attack me in the bathroom, drunk and head over heels angry, accusing me of sleeping with him, demanding I leave him alone, she kept coming at me, shouting how she is going to kill me. She gave me a couple of hits across the face, and a broken nose and that was when my anger got the best of me.

I pushed her into the mirror, holding her behind the nape of her neck, I knock her head multiple times until she went still in my arms.

That was how the curse got triggered. I remembered looking into the mirror and staring into green eyes meanwhile muscles crack all over my body.

My veins was swelling on my forehead never have I ever felt such extreme pain. I didn't know what was happening to me and I drop Sandra, squeezing my body, gasping for air, I ran through the back door of the bathroom.

It was a hurried death, a death I thought was a nightmare but I was wrong it's reality.

An every full moon I lose control if I don't sedate myself and chain myself down I'll kill anything in my path. Lately, I learn to change when there is an urge but whenever it's the full moon I still lose control and cry buckets of tears.

I have done a lot of reading on the generation of werewolves and vampires that a private agency has been searching for years. Although to others we don't exist we are just another fairy tale. It turns out to be am a part of a werewolf bloodline, the legend as it that a bite from a werewolf can be fatal to a vampire.

There is a chance am a hybrid, a chance that am both.

I have run away plenty of times but I always got caught until I have escaped for good, but I guess it's time now. I have to return to the real world because someone now knows my whereabouts.

I look around the room. It's beautiful on the inside but outside it looks as if it's about to fall over, it looks as if it was left abandoned just like I was. Surrounded by scratched flowers, leaning over to the side, stained Windows, and a dirty verandah, this is my house, My hiding spot.

Living in a house that looks poor on the outside, an outsider will never think somebody young lives inside, where inside holds the wonderful bedroom that's on the top floor, a room that holds my wardrobe, a kitchen without a scrap of dust, a huge bathroom with a relaxing tub and hall that's on the bottom floor.

You guys  are probably wondering where did I get all these things from. I found the house years ago all musty and moldy, I have cleaned and scrubbed for days, but I haven't cleaned and scrubbed on the outside.

I have worked for hours in a train station near a school downtown, but I eventually got tired of working. I started doing something I didn't know I would do, I started stealing.

I stole from the bad men, I returned what was stolen to the good ones, even though I got scared I didn't stopped and that was how I survived. Although everything is getting to my head I am still trying to adapt to my four feet lifestyle.

I have known a lot about my type but I haven't seen one until today.


That's it guys lol, I have probably left you wondering what's coming next, just bare with me alright?This is my first time writing a werewolf book.

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