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Loyal Ak

Drake's point of view

If it takes manipulating her for her to understand me, and get it in her tough head that I have no intention of hurting her or anyone then; manipulating is what am going to do. There is no other way but the bad way when you need someone to believe you, not want but need because if it was wanted, I would have to say fuck it already.

I watched as she slept and I knew that she had a long way to get used to me and forgive herself. Except who she is and knows that there is no other way she'll escape but only in death.

I hope she isn't ready to die

It took a lot for me to kidnap Crystal knowing that she is terrified of the darkness in me. Knowing that am the cause of her daughter's death. I knew I have no forgiveness left in her store for me, but the good part is I didn't kidnap her to hurt her, I kidnap her so that she doesn't commit suicide, and I knew she want a quick death, and there is no place inside of that wall for her to do a quick one.

At first, I didn't want to rip her hand from her body but I knew if I didn't, Penny would have continued to suffer, since it was the same darkness in me and her; that was what killed my dad, and that's all I remembered about him. I couldn't hold the thought of Penny dying on me, and so after trying to find a bag of stale blood I couldn't, crystal was my last option.

I wondered why those things have to happen to me.

My life was already fucked up before I knew about her, and it got worst the more I get to know her. Worst I want to show her how much I want her and how much she is good for me, but each time the dark side of me does the absolute opposite.

The best thing I have to do is just give up myself

"Arrrrrrrrrgh!!" A charging crystal came over me with an iron bar raised over her head. Now she is starting to get fucking pathetic.

"You are getting annoying now, I don't want to hurt your feelings but, you are so pathetic. she is dead already okay? dead, probably rotten get used to it," I felt the bar makes a hard connect on my shoulder and one of the muscles cracked in pain, I grit my teeth and spit out a few more words of fire.

"You look like a soft puppy fighting a bigger dog for a bone, get lost," My words continue to push her to the curb of anger and I felt on connecting to the back of my neck, at that same moment I saw Penny on her feet.

Penny's point of view

I jumped up just in time before she could crush his skull on the floor.

"Why did you bring me back?! why didn't you just let me continue to die?!!" she screamed at me waving her hands in the air, bitter and lonely she was. She seems 5% away from committing suicide and an idea hit me.

"I bring you back because I know a way you can get your daughter back, alive and well," I knew what I said sounded stupid; to give someone false hope. For Lora to raise her, she may need all her remains which the police department has.

"I'll get her remains, no you get her remains. I'm going to write a letter and sent you to an address, they got witches there that can raise her back for you and when you reach there I want you to burden them as you've never burdened anyone before. You hear me?" I asked shoving Drake out of the way with my foot and running up to the strange room and returning with an old paper and pen.

After writing down what the dark lord did, I fold it and gave it to her. This is it Drake.They are going to know you now.no doubt Crystal is going to describe you to them

"Thank you, so much," and she rushed out closing the door behind her and I locked it and walked up the window and watched her looking homeless walking with her shoulders fold and hunched looking behind and beside her.

"Why did you save me?"

"Because am not ready to with ness your brain on the floor,"

"Mhmm, go and take a shower," and at the mention of a shower, all I could think of was his upper body. My eyes scan his body, landing on his nipples, and in my mind, I could see my mouth on them. My eyes went to his lips and I reminisce on how wet his tongue made me feel.

I heard him clear his throat and I saw his tongue quickly lick his lower lip and I felt his breath suddenly on my neck.

His fingers moved the hair from my neck and I shivered.

"Go and take a shower, you smell," and just like that he was gone again.

"Fuck you!"I shout frustrated. Rain hits the ground outside and the fresh scent of dirt entered my nostrils through the window.

"Go and bathe hybrid and am not talking fucking outside where people can see your white ass, am talking up here where I can."

In your time of need, when you need attention. You craved for a guy, you reminisce about how lovers look when you see them even your friends but I didn't have any friends so I reminisce on movies or strangers.

I was up there on the top floor in an instance. Has complicated and shy as I was; I knew one thing: I wanted him and I could see he wants me too. So I strip my clothes and took a shower, lathering my body with soap and then allowed the water to beat on my skin. Over the noise of the water, I could hear him outside the bathroom door pacing, and soon as he was about to make a final decision of walking away I step out of the shower.

Actions speak louder than words, but words helped too.

"I want you, and no fucking turning back from here," He said grabbing me ruffly by the nape of my neck.

"Mhmm," He grabbed me and stood with me under the shower, and as the water hit us I felt his mouth on mine and a kiss I've been dying for. The water washed over us and though it was cold I could feel the heat radiating from his body onto mine as he press me into the wall.


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