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Loyal Ak

Penny's point of view

The brain is a powerful thing, or should I say the heart? Yeah right. It makes you do things you wouldn't normally do, and when you do those things; you end up overthinking later.

"Slow down asshole!" I shouted as I grab onto his arm. We have been racing like normal people for a couple of minutes now. Questions burned my burned: where the hell are we going ? what the hell am I going with him so willing?

We entered the opening of a new city and that was when I tell him to slow down.

"You can't."

"Why am I this tired? I don't think I've ever been this tired," I say as a strange feeling of tiredness came over me.

"You are in the process of transition," and he pulled me being him by my left arm. His muscles moved along with his shoulders.

"Transitioning into what?" My vision began to get blurry, and I could tase the metal tase of blood again.

"Into a full hybrid, no if and buts this time."

"What?" barely adidoubly.

"You'll need to drink human blood."

"And if I don't?"I heard myself whisper.

"You'll suffer."

My eyes instantly flew open. I reminisced on how I've ripped the girl's neck from her body and I shook my head firmly. Not again.

"You have to Penny, come on," and he pulled me along beyond him, muttering excuses to people that stand in his way.

I looked around the city. Ignoring the taste of metal in my mouth. Sourrened with tall buildings, warehouses, and bad dogs. Bright light shines from windows.No where near the savage city.


"Get in, "He said opening the door of the house and looking around before locking the door, he threw me inside.

I looked up at him and weakly wipe my eyes as I hit the floor.

"Sorry," and he rushed over to a window and look outside. I took a look around me at the same moment he moved away, running upstairs.

Firstly I look at where he threw me, white concrete, I could see fine white dust on it, dirty it was. Foot's steps of all kinds, footprints all over the floor except the corners, unfinished cigarettes scattered to the left. Stairs of black, black wall and on the wall hang a black coat.

Dark Lord indeed

"Fuck!" I heard him shout from above me and I shivered in fear. Something connects in the wall and shattered almost deafening me.

"Ahhh!" I screamed and I felt something scratch my throat, and my sense heightens, as I could taste metal blood; getting stronger in my mouth, my skin crawl. Goosebumps rose out on my skin, the feeling of mad ants ran over my skin, and I curled up in the corner, hugging myself. Never have I ever felt so extremely disgusting.

"You'll be okay soon," I heard him say running down the stairs. He rushed over to a wall behind me, trembling, I turned my head to watch him. I watched him take a run and gave the wall a hard kick. It shattered as he kicked it again a hole formed out in it, and he stuck his hand inside the darkness.

I scratch my eyes, feeling the urge to pull them out."Ahhh", I groan wiping my face.

"Shitt!"He looked at me and shout, feeling around in the darkness. Suddenly he pulled out what I wasn't expecting: a human wrist, dripping with blood.

"Come on, you have to drink," He said rushing at me and forcing me down he pushed it into my mouth until I was willing to feed myself. Once I heard a kid say as soon as he sees blood vomit is his immediate thought, he doesn't know what he is missing, it is the sweetest taste on earth. It's like making love, addicted to sex, and you just can't stop. I felt my inside grow alight, I got up and rushed toward the hole, but during my walking, I felt the room spin, I was walking through the ceiling, as if on drugs.

"What have you done?"I muttered and damn, don't I sound sexy in my ears.

"Save your fucking life, and now you are going to save hers." I turned around and look at him, dropping the bones from his hand, heck it if he only knew how grateful I am. I felt myself walking off the ceiling into the cloud, but in reality, I was staggering like a drunkard.

I got what my body wanted.What it always wanted, and it wanted more. I moved closer to the hole and stuck my hand inside pulling out a body, someone almost dead, I could hear the slight beating of her heart, like the flapping of a butterfly wing. Turning her around, I lay her on her back, I raised my head to mercilessly took a bite from her neck, but I stopped when I see those familiar eyes, terrified of death stare back at me.

Sara's mom,Crystal Reynolds.

When you expect to see light all you see is darkness; it's like walking into a dark room expecting the lamp to be on but it's not. Darkness embraces you.

I quickly bite my hand and watch the blood flow from my veins and put it in her mouth.

My heart pounded in my chest and I wondered what has gotten into me.

Oh my god, I've turned into a monster

I fed her and rushed from the room with Drake behind me.

I didn't reached the door in time because he took me up and down and we land on the floor with me on top of him.

Forced by destiny, fuck this?! Have you ever gotten that feeling 'why the hell are you born if you were born to go through so much pain?' That's what went through my mind, as my emotions got the best of me and I did something I never thought I'd do: I cried right there in his arm. My thirst for blood was gone as if it wasn't there.

"Shh, it's okay, you save her, and if it's not now it'll be okay later," and I felt the power of his words reach out to me, and suddenly I that, I felt his lips on my forehead, and I sighed.


Finally, something good starts to happen. Keep reading guys, lots of love thank you for your time.

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