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That is why I don't like humans or should I say, people? They wish they could gladly bite you when you failed them; one percent, they forget the ninety-nine percent you gave them, am I the only one who prey life like this?

I walked toward my house, counting my steps. Maybe because I was already broken and tormented fate decide to bring more stress. when my soul was overwhelmed within me I didn't even want to call out to god, what if I was more hopeless? Am I really that broken? How can I know who is real or fake?

Questions burned my mind, and I couldn't find any answers.

Maybe Roman and all of them are there waiting on me

I slowed my breath and wiped my tears. I never knew talking to people would bring so much drama to my life. I never knew talking to people would cause so much betrayal and heartache. Now I know why shy kids stay by themselves, it is best that way.

I slowed down in front of the house and kneeled, closing my eyes; I cleared my ears and opened my heart, and do the one thing I could think of. I prayed.

Heavenly Father and my heart seem to melt.

Heavenly father. I come to you, and tears fell from my eyes like a shower of hail, to see how hard and easy it was at the same time.

Heavenly father. I come to you, I know you see what is going on. I know you understand why am Infront of you now; my heart is full and is begging you to listen to it; because my words would never be enough. I'm sorry for not being more open about my problems, my questions, and my feelings. I wanted a friend, a family so bad that I was angry at you because you didn't give me one. look I have one now at least I did.

I prayed.

I cried as I'd never cried before; wishing I could smile my pain away, but nothing was there to smile about. I longed for a cigarette. An unfamiliar taste of lake water filled my mouth, and slime seemed to grow on my tongue.

The urge is back

I slowly raised and dust my knees off, and looked toward the woods. This is what a busy, lonely and scared life feels like, the feeling of wanting to blame someone, and wanting to disappear; anyone would say am pathetic they'll be right, but pathetic didn't grows out of nowhere; things have happened.

I shifted and raced towards the woods, I felt my feelings heightened.


I felt my space speed up, the breeze lifted the fur and I raced as I've never before. Emotion took me over and I started to hear everything at once. My nostrils felt as if dust have entered and I sneezed at the same moment, I noticed a waterfall.

oh my god is running toward it, thought to myself; and like a car without a brake, I entered it. I felt the water hit me with full force and the water entered my eyes; blinding me.



"Princess no!"

"Mommy, it is drowning."

"Oh my God!"


"It's coming around now mommy. look," I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful girl. A girl around the age of six, her long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and stared into my eyes with her brown ones. Her tiny palms resting on my side and head.

"Aren't you adorable? I told you not to use ice on it, it's not human ice won't heal it," her mother said and I looked up to see her; dressed in black jeans pants, and a white polo shirt. Her blond hair was also pulled back. She stood up packing some things; look likes they were having a picnic.

"You'll be okay soon, you don't have to cry," she whispered in my ears and I tried with all my will not to turn back to normal.

"Everything is going to be okay if you get up from there. That is no ordinary dog, it's a wolf the ones you said you don't like and this one is huge too," her mother said, holding a stick in her hands. The little girl pats me one more time on my forehead and runs towards a car a couple of feet away.

I slowly rose and walked towards a cave and soon as I entered the cave I shifted and fell to my knees. naked.My hair looked and feels like a wet rat.

"I can't believe you come this far," I heard a voice say.

" Shit, sorry," and a shirt land beside me, I slowly pull it on and walked outside to see Leon.

"I'm so happy to see you," and he hugged me.

"I had to find you, just in case you wanted to commit suicide," He said hugging me.

"Where are the others?"

"They are trying to find you, Lora couldn't stop them. your mother also leaves.Don't worry she'll be watching over you, but she didn't planned to stay Penny I don't think she ever will."



This is my shortest chapter guy, I didn't want too many sad things.

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