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Loyal Ak

Penny's point of view

"She is finally coming around," I heard Florence say over me. My body was lying on a bed, in my room at Lora's. She pushed her hair behind her ears, and wipe tears from her eyes.

"She is finally back," She said again sniffing and laughing. I raised my eyebrows and sat up. Charles was there, hugging her.

"Welcome back hybrid," Roman said, he was in the corner of the room all along.

"Remember that she is not a hybrid anymore," Carlton said, who get a hard stare from Roman.

"The sooner she knows the better." Marlon said, walking in. He stood at the door.

"What? What do you mean am not a hybrid anymore?" Panic rose in my chest like guilt and fear flashed through my heart. Imagine having to meet the worst part of you, did a lot of damage, get adjusted to it, and then loosed it.

I frantically open my mouth wide, demanding the fangs to grow, begging them to grow. I felt around in my mouth with my fingers. Nothing happened.

As a result of anger; I rushed toward the door and came to a halt. I turned around and slammed Roman in the door, he tried to wrestle my arm behind my back but I kicked him in the stomach, pushing his face down on the floor.

"Somebody talk to me!" I roar at them with the pounding of blood in my ear.

"You are hurting me," He grunts.

"Shut up!" I knock his head on the floor.

"Whatever you do won't let us hate you, Penny, so stop. I can see you are still strong, still the best. Don't worry am not jealous am okay with the strength I have. Just let Roman go," Florence said losing herself from Charles's arm.

She took slow steps toward me. Reassuring my calmness and pulled to my feet.

"It's okay, you just lost a part of you that saved us, you save so many Lives."

Lives? what lives? oh god! oh my God! oh Jesus!Drake!

I felt rage leak from my body and I staggered and sat on my bed.

"Drake? Did I kill Drake? I killed him." My breath stopped in my throat. Tears fell from my eyes as grief overwhelmed me.

"That was a month ago and shh, Drake is okay he is not dead, he is just waiting for you to wake up," Florence said wiping away my tears.

"Give us some time guys," and the rest leave the room. Carlton dragged a growling Roman.

"That's for trying to kill her," Carlton said.

"Fuck you," Roman grunts in the hall.

"Love you too brother."

"Look at me," Florence says. She stands between my legs holding my face between her palms.

"You are the best friend anybody could ever ask for, you killed the love of Your life without knowing if he could make it. That saved so many people, and I know maybe this is not the right moment to say this but, you being a not-so hybrid doesn't change anything about you."


"No buts, yes we are still going to be afraid of you, even me, but that's what I love about you Penny, knowing that am afraid of someone who is not going to hurt me," She sighed and swallowed.

"When you were gone, I felt something inside of me burst open. I felt as if I lost you. I mean who would listen to me rant about how much am in love with Charles? who would make me realize that I have such a good version of me that I have never seen before?"


"Let me finish. I thought you were dead, I almost go mad, I watched Leon die in front of me, Charles almost died and you were there breathless, your heart,    your heart stopped. I was in my head in an instant everything went blurry around me Penny," Tears flooded her eyes and my heart melted I couldn't look at her.

"For days I couldn't eat, I waited for you to woke up when your heart started beating, but you didn't. I spent hours in here begging Drake to come and talk to you and he wouldn't, He blamed himself for everything," She moved from around me and started to pace the room as I listened.

"The thing is after you killed him, the dark lord thing, He was instantly back to himself. He was there screaming for you to wake up and your heart wasn't beating. A couple of days later I heard that twenty-four vampires died, he was killing everything that tried to confront him with werewolf venom. He heard that your heart started beating and he locked himself up starving to death at the house where he grows up, he won't come out and anyone that enters he killed then. "

"Oh God," I rushed up and was about to walk out the door.

"You need to get him and let him come home, let us be family again, we have nothing more to run from, Charles and I are official and you are awake and fine except for that stink clothes you are wearing. I'm the happiest girl in the world," She said throwing her arm around me.

I struggled to the door with her squeezing me. Soaking me with tears and laughter.

"Somebody get her-" But I stopped when I came face to face with a shoe, a shoe that looks so familiar, A scent that gives me the creepiest chill. I look up and stared at the smiling face.




I had to get back Leon with a crazy logic, I loved him too much to be him die just like that.
I experienced his death and it was horrible,God damn😓look at what my imagination is doing to me. It's making me sad over someone I've created, what a mess.😣😆

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