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I have no idea where this is going, but I'm thinking as I go along.🙏

Loyal Ak

I don't see why I have to go to to school, but Lora insist that I do. To remain unseen by my enemies, why the hell do I have to hide? Knowing what am capable of I shouldn't have any enemies to be scared of. Am their queen, their only shot at happiness. Unless the ones who fear me enough would want me dead.

Lora has put up a spell that allows me to enter through the walls. She secretly check on me in classes and I started to trust her enough to eat from her.I've not received  anymore notes.

He must have known that I was trying to find him.


Am still trying to find him.

Florence and I got a lot closer even though sometimes I find myself wondering.

What's going on between her and Drake?
They seem to mentally bite at each other now and then, Florence is always showing attitude whenever he is around, meanwhile he looks like a lost puppy. Even Charles noticed and ever since he noticed; he barely come around. He started spending time with his brothers. Often he returns to us drunk with blood on his hands.

Leon hasn't returned to us because they still have unbelievable suspicions, Carlton and I are the only person that knows where to find him because we always meet up at the back of the school where no one goes. He has changed his perfume so no one can sniff him out anymore.

All of us sat together except Leon, inside Lora's hall. Roman took a leap across the room and hand on one of the flying sofas.

"Whoa!" He shouted grinning, proud that he hadn't fallen on his face.

"I could have sworn you were about to fall," Marlon spoke up, he had childishly hid his face when he saw Roman leap.

"Oh shut it, I can do it again," He said and he jumped again this time he was too slow, he falls on his face.

"Hahahahahaha!" Lora's witch laugh echoed through the room.

"You didn't just shift the couch did you?" I ask laughing, holding my abdomen. Lora has magically shifted the sofa. The others laughed at him, they didn't stop laughing until he smiled. I haven't heard laughter like that before, because ever since I sank my fist into Carlton's chest they only talk to me when necessary. He would wink at me to assure me everything is going to be alright.

"Are you okay?" Drake asked coming across the room for the first time, he dressed in a long sleeve shirt, not-so-tight black pants, the black oxford.

Damn, if he was a teacher the students could have literally drool over him

He must have gone on an important business.

"I'm okay, thanks for asking, I couldn't have been any better since I got people out there probably looking to kill me." He leaned over me and an expensive cologne entered my nostrils.

"Don't be like that. I went to your principal today, don't worry Lora suggest I do so. I have to sit down as a businessman in a damn meeting, I could have sworn my buttocks would have turned iron by now," and I knew he said that for me to smile so I gave him a genuine grin.

"What for?"

"She wanted your grades to show the leader I think," and I straighten my back with a serious expression. If Lora has to go through all that trouble that means something is up.

I got up and excuse myself and I walked over to her.

Drake's point of view

I walked over and I sat next to the one person who'd been avoiding me.


"Hey," and she started to get up but I hold her hand.

"Florence, listen to me. I can't lose everyone just like that because of us. I've already explained to you this awkwardness doesn't have to go on."

"It's going to fucking go on because you liked two girls in this fucking room, Penny and I. That kiss was nothing get it? nothing," She entered and burned her voice in my mind. A month ago she and I were sitting in my form room, and when she leaned over me I couldn't help but kissed her, she has responded with such urgency, that I almost stripped her naked. Then she has apologize rapidly, and ever since tension was always around us.

"I won't allow you to enter my mind anymore that's the last time, you want to talk, talk loud," I said anger evident in my voice.

"Fine, you asked for it. Everybody!" She stands up standstill her glass of wine."Drake likes Penny and oh he wants to fuck me instead, of her, and don't get me wrong he is a good kisser, but the bastard knows I'm in love with Charles is that what best friends do to each other?" Standing on she leaned on one of her feet, drunk.


Penny turned and looked at me, her eyes widened and I looked over Charles's spot, he was no longer there.

"Ouch!" I shouted as a blade slash my arm. A knife blade.

"Charles, don't do it, brother, " Carlton said with a grim face, The brothers got up and pulled away drunk but strong Charles from me.

I sighed and looked at Florence.

"No, blame my fucking manhood, blame god, you think I forcibly put this feeling in my heart? have you no idea how many times-?" But she interrupted me.

"That's what you do, you are a man whore but don't worry Penny is here to solve that."

Penny angrily got up, but Lora hold her down.

"Your dick will be the end of you," She continued as she swayed.

"I can't believe you hate me this much."

"That's the thing, I don't hate you Drake, I respect you enough to tell you that there might be sexual tension but am in love with Charles, I want him not you. You are a fucking hot guy but I don't love you," Her accent is heavy British, and they say truth hurt, it rips apart in my chest, her words squeezed my yes, and humiliation flashed through me. Their gazes seems to melt my skin because my whole body burned, And I close my eyes.

"Enough of your love craps, Penny is in danger, according to legend, no one can nor should have removed the head that was laid in Flatburg. Penny has removed it," And gasped escape from all lips, but the attention wasn't removed from me when I opened my eyes.

"Despite you, your love triangles am leaving Penny in your care, am leaving to find my real body," Lora said.


Lora isn't in her real body?

Was it wrong for Florence do that?
That's why I need more guys reading, I need to see what they thing.😒

How is it going so far? I would like to know.


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