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"My goodness I just got here in time," Drake said looking around. Charles, Lora, and Florence.

"I went for help, but you seem just fine," Although I sat there in my wolf form.


I felt someone's hand on my butt shaking me and I lashed out, causing Drake to jump back.

"Why the hell did you have to touch my butt? Don't you see anywhere else to touch?" I asked still feeling the heat of palms on my skin as if it burned. I threw off the sheet and walked toward the mirror, combing my fingers through my hair.

"What happened last night? do you always shift that quick?" He asked, standing in the view of the mirror behind me, pushing his hands into his jeans pocket.

Without answering my question

"The alpha or dark lord isn't here to kill me, he is here to protect me that's going to be hard; to kill someone who has your back. Not that's it not none of your businesses but my transforming usually takes a lot longer."

"Well, enough of that. I forgot to say morning," his eyes scanning my black nightgown, my nipples pressed firmly on the mesh, The nightgown stopping across my thigh near my hips.

"Humm, morning to you too," suddenly feeling naked and shy. I closed my eyes and count to ten, and then I felt his breath on my neck. My eyes flew open and he was gone.

Just like that, I heard my door slam.

Damn it

Things sometimes grow on people or the right way to say is: people allow things to grow on them, and I've allowed Drake to grow on me. He follows me wherever I go, he hands me the soap in the bathroom, he put me to bed but when it's reality, am automatically shy and stupid.

The way he looked at me, scan my body with his eyes; got my skin crying for his touch. He got the nerve to touch my body. He got the nerve to blow his breath on my skin and then leave.

That's what players do, they pull you along like puppets. I thought to myself but it's like always my mind runs up and shouted.

He isn't a player with you, you saved his life he wouldn't be that selfish!

" Oh shut up, this is ridiculous. Look at what you've done, talking to yourself. You are right , he isn't that heartless," I said to myself, stripping and pulling on a black pullover and black pants.

"You are the definition of lame, bor-"

"Enough of your bashing, and I've been knocking for a while now," I turned around to see Florence sprawling out on the bed, wearing a long blue soft-looking skirt, black tank top and her blond hair iron flat across her shoulders.

"I didn't hear, dear black and blue. What are you working on? Church girl?" She turned on her belly, giving me a confused look.

"Me? Oh, so you Are working on a blood robbery tomboy look. Enough of that, Charles like to see me like this. Lora has arranged a bedroom for the gang; whenever we want to visit, we can stay."

"So I'll be seeing more of you?"

"And more of Drake who is trying to see past the blackness or whatever it is that is stopping him form calling Lora mom. They talk like relatives," She said rolling her eyes.

I sighed and grab a comb to comb my through my head.

Lucky him, he got a breathing mom who loved him, meanwhile, mine is dead and probably in hell burning for abandoning me or in heaven for trying to get me back

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