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I wouldn't have reached this far without you, I don't know  much of you. SML and I'm grateful.

Loyal Ak


It has been two long days, two days and I've received letters after letters.


When I went there, the person stays in the shadows and I took a step closer I couldn't see his face.


I've gone home alone and I searched everywhere I could think of but it seems as if Lora hid the book.

Why did she hide it? she told me it couldn't help me, then why hid it?


I panicked, avoided school, searched for the past two days, and haven't found it yet. I have four hours.

I Drop myself on one of the sofas and sighed, I wiped my forehead and spin the chair.




I ran toward my phone, A phone I hardly used. It was an unknown number. Answering I stop my breath and listen.

"Hi, Penny, please don't ask how I got your number, I wanted to know if you are okay, I haven't seen you," Drake said.

"Am okay, is there anyway-"I put my hand over my mouth and closed my eyes.

What am I doing?

"Is something a problem? I can send Florence to check on you, she would be glad to help."

"Is there any way you can send the girls over? no just Florence alone?"

"Okay then, as Florence charmed you already? Florence?"

"I heard, am a werewolf remember? I'll be there Penny, just send the address to Drake."

"I don't think that'll be a good idea I want you alone to be here I don't need Drake here to watch me change my bloody pads," I hurriedly said, squeezing my fingers together. How could I tell someone I hardly know that my guardian is missing and probably near death?

"I'll give her your number," And he hanged up.

I looked around me and I knew it, am in too deep. Bad luck finally decided to catch up with me, turning a wolf wasn't and isn't enough, I have to be haunted by someone too. Someone who knows my every move is probably standing over me in my sleep. An unknown person that is willing to do anything to control my life.

Holding the phone in my hand, waiting for Florence to call. I walked toward the bedroom, opened my bag, removed a bag of chocolate cookie chips, pulled it, and walk back to the hallway. I couldn't help but think about Lora, what's going on in her life, why she chooses to help me and now she is in deep danger.

"Girl, praised be to God am a werewolf, how the hell did you get inside around back?" I heard a voice say and spin around, the chips falling from my hand.

I sighed and picked up the chips.

"What the hell? how did you know where to get in? I was waiting for you to call."

"Honey, chill, I can sniff you from afar, that lotion of yours got me doing just that. There wasn't any other way in." She said walking out of my room and stopping in her tracks.

"Holy God, who do you live with?" She asked walking over toward the floating sofas, trailing her fingers across the things. I watched her and I couldn't help but think how relaxed she looks, how comfortable she seems to be around me when I feel as if am trying to see through her soul.

"I lived with a witch, well recently living with her."

"She ain't going to stop my breath when she sees me walking around her kingdom would she?"

"She won't be able to do that," I bowed my head, trying to avoid her eyes but she noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything is okay," I said swallowing.

"Listen to me, I might not know you but I can help, I mean I didn't know anyone when I first got here, I was just this lonely bitch biting off everyone's head until Drake took me in. I won't just watch you lie to me and I know you are lying."

I looked up at her and I found myself smiling and I rolled my eyes.

"Badass Drake took you in ?" I asked walking away, biting a chip.

"Yes, he did, and don't try sidetracking the conversation, what's wrong?"

"She has been kidnapped," I said before I changed my mind.

"Do you know who it is?" Giving me all her attention.

"I have no idea."

"Oh my God, I think I can help, I could get Charles and Jacki on the job, to track who it is of course."

"You could do that for me?"

"I won't even look at you, give me a minute let me make a couple of calls. That way I could have more time with Charles, thanks for the excuse," She winked at me and pulled out her phone.

I looked at her clothes, the way she dress. Dress in high waist jeans shorts, and a pink tie front, with white sneakers. After explaining to Charles and Jacki she swore them to secrecy and hang up.

"It's done, it might take months or weeks but the least we can do is get her back."

"Her name is Lora, actually its Lora Standford and-"But she interrupted me.

"Drake and Leon?"A curious and shocking look took over her face.

"He doesn't know, and it's none of my business.I can't tell him.I mean I don't even know for sure," I stuttered.

"Oh my fucking god," She said rubbing her hands over her long blond hair. Staring at me with Hazel's eyes.

"God indeed, because Lora has around three hours left to be alive and I don't know where to find what the devil asked for."

"What did he ask for?"

"A book, a book that is no longer here. She hides it or burned it, I don't know what she did with it I just can't find it anywhere."

"Penny?!" I heard a familiar voice and I ran toward the stairs, there she was, covered in mud and I shift towards her. I was so happy to see her never have I felt so happy to see someone.

"You are okay dear," She said her voice shaking, relief washed through me and I couldn't help but hug her. Realizing what I did, I tried backing away but she hugged me back. Giving me an awkward but warm embrace.

"She is alive, I saw her," she said releasing me."She is alive I begged her to help me but she didn't, she didn't Penny, I tried so hard to reach out to her she just didn't care. My goodness, I can't believe she is the same person she said she was years ago."

"What and who are you talking about?

"Don't you get it? I saw your mom in that place, I was locked up but I escaped, the moment you said my name I knew I had to get out of there, I wanted you to shout it but you didn't. I think she is sired to a vampire there, she has to be," She said sitting on the stairs, wiping mud from her chest and neck as she tried to catch her breath. Thoughts twirl over and over in my head, and I stared at her and then looked up the Florence.

"Your mother, Penny, your mother, I saw her there you've got to believe me,s-"Before she could finish talking, the stick fell from her hand and Florence was at my side the next second.

"Lora? Lora? please talk to me. Lora!!"


I hope the next chapter will be more interesting, even though I'm loving it so far.


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