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Here I go.

Loyal Ak

When they arrive I was shocked to see them there, walking out of the woods as if in slow motion. The night is almost down. Florence's fingers wrapped around Drake's upper arm. I could see his muscles pressing firmly against her skin as she squeezed it trying not to fall on her face. She stomp her foot on the ground and looked up to follow Drake's gaze. He was looking at me.

"Finally we found them," I heard her say and they started to walk toward us.

How comes their clothes are still clean and not ripped apart?

I asked my self. They probably hold them in their mouth

"We finally reached here."Drake's voice said near my head. I watched as Florence hugged Leon and then she looked at me; a look that gave away all her mixed emotions. I waited for them to hug me but she turned away as if I wasn't there. She patted Leon's chain on his chest and playfully pinched his nipples; which makes my mouth wide.

"You know you are supposed to be wearing your shirt, you can't show off Jessica's nipples like that."


"They ain't hers at least not anymore and your friend needed a cover-up," Leon says grinning, his white teeth gleaming as a car light shined against it.

"Mhmm," She muttered." Anyways Leon I just got here, since Drake didn't wants to use his wolf form, I never saw him use it once. He probably got some demon in him or something," and she laughed it off as if it was something funny. I watched Drake cringed and bowed his head.

He wouldn't used it because he is the alpha!

If only subconscious would talk for you, but no it only speaks when you are fucking drunk and makes you a big fool out of yourself.

I started to walk away toward the crime scene. Sometimes I wonder if it's better to help someone than yourself since that's what am always doing. Sounds stupid but it's the truth, I helped so many people but when the time comes for me to help myself am so fucked up at it.

I would never stay anywhere am uncomfortable, not unless forced to. I would walk away and be free. People say you can't run from your feelings, well that person who created that sentence didn't make it good. I think a person can run from their feelings but they can never hide from them. It will always be there ready to face you... the difference is that you get time to try and figure things out. That's the same reason why I could feel the energy coming off Florence like angry beach waves and I just couldn't stay there and allow it to consume me.

I know if I did stay I would have hurt her, hurt her for being mad at me, hurt her for not trying to talk to me when she came out looking for me. I would have hurt her for not shouting even when I didn't't want her to. I would have hurt her cause am selfish.

Has I reached near to the crime scene, I could hear a siren and see the blinking light of an ambulance coming about one mile away in the darkness. The street's light came on lighting up the area. Screams of terror filled my ears. I felt human beings rushed and pressed against me as they try to see. A few people took out their phones and started to video.

But what?

I forced my self through the crowd and found myself in the worst position. Surrounded with blood; lots and lots of blood.

"Oh my God." I muttered closing my eyes, hearing my heart start to pick up speed like an elephant huff knocking against something. I could feel my blood rushing in my vessels, images of blood pools filling my mind. People's breath filled my ears. A sweet bitter metal taste entered my mouth and lay on my tongue. Blood.

Suddenly...I felt someone's palm touch me on my waist; resting on my hips. Those hands that represent him, the way he touched me and I heard him whisper.

"You are not a ripper," but when I turned around to look at him,it wasn't him but Leon.

Suddenly...I felt his palms on my shoulders and I could smell him,  feel his presence.

"Penny, it's okay beeath," but surely this time my eyes flew open and I was away from the blood but I could still hear the noise.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!"Florence shouts in my face as she slaps me across my head. I felt pained cramped my neck and I was snapped into reality.


"I moved you away,before you could lose control.Very good though-" Drake was saying but Leon interrupted him.

"you tried your best whatever you were thinking about was worth it," Leon said patting my shoulders.

Instantly my gaze went over to Drake's,and I realized what happened. He was in my head to help me.

"Did you enter my head?"

"No.am sure of it," Right only vampires can create images. This means his spirit or his destiny is already controlling me even taking me out of danger. I might as well accept it cause there is no escaping him.

That's what you do to feelings when you can't take the pressure anymore, you admit it yourself

"Take that thing off and give Leon his... take mine," And without waiting, for a response, his shirt and scent were already in my hand.

Leon and Florence looked at each other.

"It's just a shirt, "Leon said taking it from my hand and giving it back to him.

"I don't want her wearing your shirt, isn't that clear enough?" and my eyes went to his lips; between his teeth lay a fine straw. He took the shirt and pushed it back into my arms. For the first time in my life, I felt good, good to know that someone is jealous because of me.

"Deal with those people up front,you know what to do.It was a wolf, new blood, his first time activating his curse. That's what caused the fire. I need you to heal that girl that is bleeding out up there. Find the little wolf and let him join the quarters, chop-chop."

"Okay," They said in unison and I watched in amazement as they went off to obey him, He turned to me.

"Changed it already, it doesn't look good on you," He said looking down at me and my lower lip trembled. The exception comes with consequences. My heart thumps wildly in my chest.

"I don't want everyone to see me naked," before the words were out of my mouth, he shifted me to the woods and stood over me looking like a hot fucking greek god.

"Changed it now," and I obeyed him. Excepting him as my second alpha because I always put myself first. I smirked at him and slowly stripped Leon's shirt away from my body.

"Wanna run away?"

What the fuck you mean ?

"Yes," I said but my mind screamed.

Florence! He is the alpha!

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