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I hope you are enjoying it so far.

Loyal Ak

Sometimes you should flow with what comes along instead of planning, because whenever you plan; things don't always go the way you want, the perfection of your plan is only in your head and then your results can be a big disappointment in yourself.

I lay on my bed, in my old house, my legs pulled to my chest. I hugged myself close. This is where my life started to feel as if am living in hell, this is where I was put to sleep and now this is where I ran back to. Tears fell from my eyes and I trembled.

I'm nothing but a murder

"Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!" I sprang off the bed throwing the pillow on the floor.

" You are no better than the dark lord!"
I kneeled against my bedroom door as flashes of the murder raced through my brain.

"Open the door before I kick it off."

Florence's voice said outside.

"It's open."

"So you are now careless. you can't leave your front door open like that," I heard her outside my bedroom. I knew she would find me obviously there was nowhere for me to run to, that's how much she knows me. I've run away from the dorm room twenty-four hours ago after telling her I killed someone. I have done nothing more than cry and tear the pillows apart.

"Open the door Penny and don't even think of running, we need you."

Need me? I can't even help myself I thought to myself but despite my emotions, I still wanted to help.

"Need me for what?" I asked sniffing and opening the door, she walked in dressed in a tall black booty, short cut jeans showing her butt cheeks, and a red tank top, her hair loose around her shoulders.

"Yeah right please stop staring, this is my only taste of style I have let you took everything I can't lose this too. What I mean to say is that you made me want to be the best version of me."

Wow. Just wow, go Florence give me the compliments, build my ego, go ahead, as if that's going to help the ruin side of me

I closed the door and I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror, my eyes bloodshot, my hair messy.

"You look like shit."

"Gee, thanks, just what I wanted to hear," dropping heavily on the bed. She walked around the room picking up the cotton from the pillows, piled them in the corner, and then came to sit next to me.

"This isn't you, the girl that I met was the cleanest person I've ever set eyes on. I wanted to eat off the floor when I got here, now look at you," Her fingers combing through my hair.

"Your pullover stinks and your hair is like a  mad woman's."

"Its not that bad," my eyes popped.

"Well it's near it, and I won't leave until you fix yourself, if you dress neat and stop crying; I'll humm...I'll wear long skirts for one week," That did it, I laughed at her and it was hysterical.

"You would do that for me?" and my eyes filled again and my throat grew tight. She crushed me to her chest hugging me.

"Whatever it is you'll pulled through . Lora is considering to raise your mom back so you can cheer up a bit," I felt myself stiffen and I knew there was a catch.

"BUT...she needs your help, first tell me what happened."

"I was sitting in a building with Lora when I got a flash of what was happening to Drake, I don't know what happened, I couldn't stop myself. I found her later and I killed her, and I enjoyed it," and I shuddered.

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