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Loyal Ak

Penny's point of view

I run upstairs to the school; running away from Roman. I couldn't just stand there and watch him take his anger out on me for a ring. My heart pounded but not from fear; it pounded from anger as I run and dodged the cameras. Anger filled me up; how could someone want someone to suffer for what is not the person's fault?

I ran up the last step and entered the only person's room I could think of: Drake's.

He won't know that I am up here

So this is what life running feels like? It's not like they are willing to stop him; since they are so obviously surprised too. How could they be so thoughtless, after I've been there with them?

Especially Florence

This is what it feels like to have a messed-up life. The feeling as if sinking into the mud. The depression singing into your ears, seeping into your soul, suffocating you. You get used to the feeling of being Panroid; until you even want to hide from your shadows. Being chased by memories that you forced yourself to forget; causing you not to trust anyone, and when you tell yourself 'enough of that and trust again; a fate decides to fall.

"This is all your fault !"I shouted, and I looked around, he was nowhere in sight; but I could hear his breathing across the room, The crunching of glass.

"Just disappear Penny. you have no idea what you've done," I heard him say and I followed his voice and reached the balcony.


I looked and I saw the most beautiful sight I've ever seen. On the balcony laid pink, green, and yellow flowers, wrapped in a criss-cross and plated design. The scent filled my nostrils and I inhale.


What the hell is the dark lord doing with flowers? I asked myself and I exhale and look down at him, as he took up the splinters and threw them in a bin. Then I remembered what he said.

"Me? how is this my fault? I might be respectful and nice but I do get my own demons Drake, and none of this is my fucking fault, I didn't force you to be the world's biggest asshole."

Okay I didn't expect that to come out

"I'm not talking about me being the case everyone thinks me to be, am talking about what you did to this place! how many people I've to hunt and hired vampires to compelled them!" he shouted kicking the bin away and all the glass shattered again his jeans pants slightly drop and he angrily pulled it up, setting it on his hip.

Damn, I thought to myself, and then I shook my head. Being angry at me for ....oh my god he ...

"You have a soul!"

"What do you think? am just a huge empty black hole that swallows people?" and he no longer turned his head away when his eyes turned red.


"I can't believe you think so low of me."

"What do want me to think Drake? you have played me like a game."

"Then why are you still here?" He asked softly picking up the bin and the splinters. Right question.Why? I turned and put my hand on the rail, looking at the landscape; I think of an answer. Why did I run to him? He had played me, yet he doesn't want me dead. He had harmed a lot of people and their mental states, but for what? Did I run here for answers or comfort ? or is it because fate said run?

"I don't know why I ran to you, I was being chased by Roman, and Roman isn't much of a talker, so I know he'll want to fight me and I might have loosed control," but when I looked next to me, he was gone and so was the splinters, It's like nothing happens.

"You are a...there is no word in the dictionary that can describe you," I muttered and entered his room then closed the door.


I heard the rain falling outside at the same moment I heard the shower.

"I can hear you, that's an advantage of can't shut off your ears, especially when someone is talking to you, because right now I don't even want to hear you breath," and I felt his words stab me in my chest. That proves how powerful words can be because they surely hurt, they entered my heart and affect it; tears come from my eyes.

My silence means I am tired of fighting, and it seems as if there is nothing left to fight for. My silence means I am tired of trying to explain my feelings to him, I don't have the energy to do it, because he has played me. Oh was it convincing; he deserves a medal, a goal one at that. He had opened my legs and missionary racked my world and it's on this same bed he took some things from me that I wasn't ready to give; he took my feelings for him higher, he makes me vulnerable to him, he took my mind, oh if he knows how much it's on him.

Just Drake,left right and center,everywhere Drake

Now he turned around and showed me his dark side, a side that destiny allowed me to be stuck with. Causing me to have enemies out of people I thought were going to be with me through thick and thin, my friends and the first family I ever had. He ripped me from them, he ripped me away before I could even know my mother's name.

More tears fell from my eyes as I thought of my mother; and what she went through to keep me safe. How traumatizing it must be for her to think she was dead and now alive. Her heart must've raced just like mine did when she saw him. My mind went back to the day on the bus when asked about my boyfriend issues; he knew damn well knew I didn't have a boyfriend. Flashes of when I arrived at school and face Sara. That was all his doing.

Even the boy who attacked me!

"Oh my God!" I cried out in pain, squeezing my heart as a overwhelming pain of betrayal pained it.

He rushed from the bathroom ,water dripping from his body, from his hair and for the first time, I wish I never met him. I looked up at him with so much bitterness, it was one percent away from consuming me. Everything was a lie.

"Are you okay?"He asked wrapping the towel properly and even as he step toward me, I could feel the sexual tension overpowering the betrayal;but my heart grew bitter,so bitter I vision ripping his head off.

"You bring out the worst in me, I wish I never met you, I swear it on my life," I watched him swallow and I exit the room with him all over my mine.

Am the broken one

Okay...I need your honest good opinions.

Penny's situations are so painful.😣

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