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Thank you for not leaving, and thanks to all those who came😉lots of love.

Loyal Ak

The horn of the bus echoed in my ears, as I try hard to make a decision.

"Young lady, either you get on or you wait. The other bus won't be here until eight, " Said the driver, staring down at me. I took one last look and I saw the person in the pullover walking away.


I hopped on the bus, and took a seat near the window, looking outside as the bus drove past the spot. The person was gone.

Damn it

"You look frustrated, I know the feeling,  boyfriend trouble?" I turned around and looked into ocean blue eyes. A Guy with neck-length black hair, sharp eyebrows, red lips, and A hard jawline. Dress in a black leather jacket pulled to his neck, dark pants, and black leather boots. A flashy golden watch on his wrist holding a grass straw between his chalk-looking teeth.

A bad boy look

"Are you done checking me out?"He asks arching one of his eyebrows.

"For your previous question no it's not boyfriend trouble, secondly, I checked you out because you want to be checked out, dressing like a god, I didn't check you out because I want you if that's what you're thinking, I don't fall for any Mr handsome," I said firmly, rising and I took a seat across from him.

A boyfriend ,me? I've only had sex one time, and it was a disaster. How the hell can I  focus on sex when I don't even know how to control my damning wolf self? What does he want me to do? walk over To a bulldog and let it fuck me back way? Gross!

"Arrrrrgh!'"I shouted out in anger and then I quickly slap my hands over my mouth and duck my head between my legs, as I felt my nails starting to grow.

"I apologize for barging in your life, my looks got the best of me, sorry for bringing up any old memories of yours. Everything is fine, just a panic attack," I look upon his face as he flashes the curious people a smile. How easy can he lie? Why did he lie for me?

He probably do it everyday

"I fix things that I broke," He said looking at me, chewing at the straw.

"Oh, it's okay," I said, meanwhile ringing a bell for the bus to stop. I got up as the bus door opened.

"Have a nice day at school!"I stopped and turn around. Pulling the pullover my head.

"How do you know that am going to school?"

"Who wouldn't? you are at the school gate and you were holding a pen earlier."

"Mhm," I muttered softly to my self and resume walking. I Left the bus I turned around and watch it stop further down the road, The guy jumped out and I notice his muscular shoulders.

It can't be, I just saw the person around the corner, that's not him, Penny take a deep breath 

I sighed and walked in the school, looking around I was the only one wearing a pullover. Bowing my head I pick up space.


"What's your name?"Asked a lady as she popped a gum.

"I didn't know we were doing twenty questions."

"Excuse me?"

"It's Penny Williams"

"Now that's better."

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