14 10 3

Sigh, I have a lot to deal with right now, so I'll update at least once a week or whenever I get a chance.

Loyal Ak

"We'll help you find her, but for now we have to focus on our little friend here, someone is trying to kill her. I know your mom is important but our lives are as well," Florence said smiling at him.

"I get it. I'll meet her soon though," He mumbled and exit the room. I looked over at Florence and she winked.

"That was awkward," She whispered."Charles? you want me to make you anything?"

"No, am full, plus I have a date later I can't eat anything right now," Charles said smiling at her, and then he left the room. I noticed Florence's jealous expression and my eyes widened. She walks over to me and leaned on the counter.

"I know what you are thinking, I owned him and he ain't mine. I like the guy, I fucking like him a lot but it looks like am just his benefiter," She said.

"That's mess up, why don't you just tell him? wait, that's a bad idea don't do that," I chuckled.

"Words can't explain how it hurts, It's not such a bad idea but each time I tried Drake told me not to make a fool of myself," She mumbled and I noticed that a tough girl like her never shows her soft side to anyone often.

"I told you not to do it first, I've done it before and it didn't work out the way I wanted it."

"We aren't the same Penny, what if I stop listening to my friends and do my own thing?"

"You are counting me as one of them?" My eyes popped from my head as I remembered what Drake told me in the woods.

"Of course, why not? I mean you got a lot of personalities I need, I can't just walk with all the crazies and leave the one with sense right? " She said with a serious expression as she sniffed and I laughed out.

I looked over at the rest of the boys as they laughed and blew smoke from their cigars. A feeling of welcome took over my body as much as I want to ignore it and be paranoid I couldn't help it.

"Since Charles doesn't want anything to eat, you want to make something with me? please say yes, I've never been in a kitchen like this, that's another thing I need to adopt from you, your neatness." She said smiling and I felt my cheeks heated.

She walked ahead of me, walking toward the kitchen.

"You want us to make a cheeseburger?" I asked looking at her.

"I haven't eaten one of those in ages, of course."

"Ohh kay then, but you'll give Charles his," I smirked at her frowning expression. Walking over to my counter I removed the ground beef, ground meat, onions, cheese, burger, tomato ketchup, burger bun, and black pepper.

"Damn girl, I think you should make this I'll watch. You know I'll share my eyes."

I laughed out as she took a stool and drag it near." You don't know how to cook to save your life right?"

"I can make tea, and do eggs, my eggs are pretty good," She said nodding her head, sure of herself.


"It's all done," I called out towards the hall. Florence sat idly in silence, watching my every move.

"I can't believe you sat there without saying anything," I said folding the burgers in foil wrappers. I set them on a tray.

"I learned how to make burgers, so it was worth it. I think am going to tell Charles, he's that blind. I've given him all the hints, Penny I feel like a fool." Getting up she walked toward the refrigerator. "I need a drink, am craving a bourbon."

"I'll take a coco-cola, bring the rest for the boys, and don't drunk your self," I smiled at her, stretch my hand, and removed a cold coco-cola from the fridge. Entering the hallway I saw Drake and Charles were back, they were sitting with the rest of the boys only he wasn't smoking. I walked up to him and lower the tray. Looking into his blue eyes my cheeks grew red remembering when he lift me.

"Eh em," Clearing my throat I nod my head to the others for them to take one.

"Where is Florence?" Charles asks removing the second to last one.

"She'll be here in a minute with the drinks. Florence!"

"Am here, Charles baby," She slurred, walking in with the bourbon almost finished, all the eyes pop from the boy's head and Drake burst out laughing, choking on his burger.

"Oh my God, Florence, I thought you knew not to drink that much," I said hardly putting down the tray and holding her up around the waist.

"Girl, do I look drunk to you?" She asks pointing to her chest as the tray with coco colas fall from her other hand. Dropping next to an embarrassed Charles, Hitting her head on his knee as the bourbon splashes out on his thighs. I toppled over on the floor. Drake laughed harder and Charles's face grew red. Rushing to my feet I grabbed my burger and juice off the tray.

"Charles, baby!" Drake shouted mimicking Florence and I burst out laughing. The other boys started laughing and Charles tried to pull Florence from the floor.

"She is drunk, we aren't together dude." And he received a knock on the nose from Florence sending him off his seat, Drake paused with the juice at his mouth trying not to laugh.

"Florence that's enough," I said laying down the burger again and holding her by the arm, I pulled her to her feet as Drake took the bourbon from her hand. Setting her down on Charles's lap I went for a chair,Charles raised his eyebrows at me and the others resume eating.

"Florence sweat heart sit, come on try and get up," I cooed at her and Charles helped me to set her around the table. I gather my snacks again and walked over to a sofa. Removing half of the foil I took a bite, savoring the taste I close my eye.

"You know you could have put a chair over there too right?" I heard Drake's voice asks and opened my eyes, crossing my legs he sat beside me. I scooted over because I was afraid to be close to him, I've always been afraid to be close to anyone because of my old relationship. Although it wasn't a real relationship; sex was included and that's my reason for scooting away from him.

"I wanted to be myself, I think that is obvious," I said opening my mouth to take another bite. The burger is halfway to my mouth his hands reach up and stop it.

"Well, sometimes I ignore the signs. You were about to eat foil wrapper," He said stripping the foiling away.

"Thanks," I mumbled, putting the bottle of juice between my legs. I removed the hair from my face and hugged his jacket closer to me. His hands reach down to my thighs and pin a loose button together, and his hands slightly touch my skin.

"What are you doing here?" A woman came into view.

"What was that? "I asked him as my heart raced, I rushed to my feet my appetite for the burger disappeared. He stood before me and as he touched my hands I saw another flash.

"I came here because it is done, you can leave my her now."

"I will get her right where I want her, and you'll keep your mouth shut otherwise I'll gladly silent you myself."

Removing his hands from me, he signals the others.

"What happened?"

"Do it! whatever you just did, please do it again!" I shouted at him grabbing his hands I placed his palms on my face but it didn't work I hugged myself to him but it didn't work, nothing happened except I could feel his muscles on me. He looked at me with a confused expression and the others walked over with raised eyebrows, Florence crawled on her palms and knees eager to hear.

"Penny? can you hear me? "Drake asked, holding my cheeks.

"I think I just saw my mother, I recognized the voice, my god."

"What? Lora said something like that, I think am sobered now." Florence said as she puked on Charles's sneakers.



Happy reading guys, remember to vote for lots of love.

I did enjoy writing about a drunk Florence and Drake's reaction😆.

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