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Remember to keep a vivid imagination guys and I apologize for the errors.

Loyal Ak

I grab the paper and throw the bread under the fireplace and watched it burned. Searching my bag; I found a couple of snacks I've packed and removed a cheese bun and an apple juice. There is no way am going to eat anything from Lora, not without hearing all the story.

Maybe she wanted me to know about the note or maybe she is playing me. Who is she? Is she connected to the dark lord? Why isn't she history? The questions flew through my brain and I wondered when I'll find answers.

I took up my bag and held the bun and juice I walk toward a closed-door marked with the letter X. They say curiosity killed the cat, but if this is the way am going to die then so be it. pushing the door open, it creaked.

Cautiously I looked inside, there laid out a wonderful bedroom. A bedroom that looks brand new yet old, a bedroom that looked still as if it wasn't touch by magic. Nothing was flowing in air.

"You are supposed to be sleeping," And I jump in fright.

"School starts tomorrow, learn to blend in when you get there," Lora said behind me, opening the door wide I sat my bag down on the bed.

"I know, I've been on earth for while remember?"

"Well, in reality-based you look like nineteen act like one."

"The last time I checked Lora, you were sitting around a desk at that school chewing your gum off, staring down at me over your long nose, you weren't my grandmother and you still aren't," I said nastily staring at her if looks could kill.

"Eh em, am not your enemy, don't make me one, this isn't Sandra cooper," She said smiling at me.
"Anyways this room belongs to your mother," And then she walks out and slam the door in my face.

"Wait!"I shouted pounding on the door, racking the locks. A burst of energy rushed into my body and I snatched the door, ripping it off the inches. Rushing upfront, I hit into something, a hard glass that send me flying backward. She has locked me in with a border spell.

"Let me out !"I roared. Rushing up pounding on the glass with all my energy."I want answers!"And my nails grew longer.

She knows about Sandra

"I was going to let you out, but I changed my mind, not with you looking like that, this is where you stayed every night, I will continue to lock you in until you can protect yourself, you don't know how dangerous you are. I can't answer any more of your questions I delivered what am asked to delivered." She said walking up to the border.

"Please tell me is she alive? is my mother alive? why did she leave me?"

"That's for you to find out, go to sleep, you leave earlier tomorrow, goodnight."

Sinking to the floor, my anger died down and my nails grow back to normal. A depressing emotion took me over and I pulled my knees to my chest. She knows my mother,all those years went by and someone nearby knew my mother and am just knowing that because of some stupid wolf pack.

Just great

I throw my self on the bed and close my eyes, all the hunger vanish and all I wanted was to sleep. Did the witch do this to me? Did dark lord got the sleeping powder from here?

Jumping up from sleep I found my self on the floor. I must have rolled off. I noticed sunlight was streaming in through a high window I haven't see last night.I suddenly remembered a dream; I was walking the hall way of a school and I saw someone wearing a black pullover, a black gloves and pants with matching shoes.

I didn't see a face.

"Just great penny, now he is even haunting your dreams," I said to my self, Getting up of the floor. I brush my self off and walk over to the door way, I stretch my hands out the border was gone.

"Go and take a shower, I don't have to tell you to brush your teeth right?" Lora said at the door of her room, dress in a brown coat and tall boots.

"No, I'll be down in a minute, I'll fix the door," I muttered and  walk back inside. Lifting the door off the floor; I slammed it in.

"Need some help with that?"

"Yeah, just move your lips are whatever you do and hold the door up,  I'll get the tool box."

"Quit being a bitchy one young lady, two can play that game," She said holding her hand up at the door, it slowly rose in the air and suddenly a toolbox appeared.

"Ohkay, I give you credit for a old lady,"I muttered and started to work on the door.

"Just do me a favour and hurry, please, I can't really hold this long enough," I looked over at her and I saw sweat bursting out on her lower lip.

"Oh my god, am so sorry," I said hurriedly knocking the hinges' together."That's it, you can rest your old arm now."

"I told you two can play that game,"She said and winked at me, walking away leaving me stunned.

I closed the door and walked over to my bag, removing my bathing soap, a body lotion called love and seduce.

She tricked me,  the old owl

Grabbing a red lip gloss, comb, Blue pullover,Black straight jeans and a black sneakers. I walked out and searched for the bathroom. It was located on the right side of her bedroom. I walked in, and there was another note.


The letter read, swinging around I hold my things closer to my chest.

"Is any one there?!"I ask loudly looking behind the shower curtain.

I've got to get out of here.

Hurriedly I strip my clothes and showered with the curtains open.



 I add a little mascara to my lashes and reddened my lips.Throwing my dirty clothes in the laundry basket and brushed my teeth. I exit the bathroom.

I ate the cheese bun and drank the juice hurriedly  and put a chewing gum in my mouth. Grabbing my  pen and some pocket money, I searched the house for Lora but she wasn't there.

"Come on," I heard her voice said outside the cave, I ran down the concrete steps and the wall of the cave parted.

"You can go now, I guess you have good memory, find the school downtown that's where you are going . I'll meet you there."

"Ohkay then," taking the route we took last night; I arrived at where the bus let us off. Turning my head to the side the bus arrived the same moment I saw someone in black. From my dream.


Thank you for reading.What is your thought on the book so far?


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