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It's taking a turn, I promise it'll get more interesting.

Loyal Ak

"I can't believe you let him go, by the look on your face I thought you were going to rip him apart," says Florence, pacing the floor of Drake's dorm room. He ran and before any of us could catch him he was out of sight. The others have gone, where? I have no idea, But Florence wanted me to follow her back here so I did.

"Why didn't you hurt him? he knows something, I can't believe Leon would have done anything to hurt that sweet girl," She sighed and sat down.

"I didn't do anything because am going to chase him my self," I turned away and I exit before she could say anything. I walked in under the shadows. I have no idea what came over me when I was holding Daniel around his neck. All I felt was pure pleasure. I wanted to rip his neck off his body.

I wanted to kill him

I was consumed with hunger for the first time stronger and I almost lost control.

Thirty seconds away from killing him

I walked with my head down, and I ignore the stares of others and exit the school.

I know what I have to do


"Where is he?" I asked Lora, I have jumped through my bedroom window.

"Who are you talking to?" Lora asked, walking towards the hall, her head held high and her hair following behind her, I followed.

"I'm talking drake, they didn't go after him did they?" I was on edged, rubbing my sweaty palms together.

"They went to find Leon, you have no idea how it feels to watch my sons try to get at each other."

"That's your business," Then remembering am staying in her house I quickly implied an apology

"No offense, I'm in my shit, am practically living in it am almost fucking sinking, pardon my language."

"Now that's disgusting penny, you have to understand that people secretly fear you, we don't want to get tangled and knot up with you when your demon side activates, " She said, pulling a loaf of bread out of the cupboard. Hearing her say that makes me realize this is how it feels to be feared out of respect.

"Tell them to back off Leon, if they don't I'll kill every human I see in my sight, pray I don't see much," I say with a grim voice, that sounds like music to my ears.

I need to find him, and when I do we should be alone

"You can't be serious," She said, panic rising in her voice, she flips the hair over her shoulders, dropped the bread, and walked towards me. I saw that she wanted to reach out to me but at that moment I didn't care, I just wanted to hurt someone; anyone.

"I think it's best that I leave, It's time you clear up this space, put a spell there, I'm tired of jumping through the window," I murmured and hurried away. It was a new feeling and I was blind to it, blind to the damage it was about to cause. I rushed and jump from the window, crossing the road, I walked under the street lights except it wasn't lit, sniffing the air, I smelled for Drake, without knowing why I even did it. I felt like I was controlled by someone, but I ignored it and followed the scent.

I arrived at an opening area, around it were yellow sunflowers, bench and chairs scattered and dusty as if they've been there for a century. In the middle lay ahead with dark dirty hair.Blood leaked from all sides, bees swarm around it as if it was their home. A high stench of dry blood fills my nostrils. I tried not to puke as I walked up and made an attempt to take it up.

A white cloud of fog rose from beneath, it was set in a hole, and the scent sent me flying about six feet from it. I looked around me and out of stupid curiosity I walked towards it again and took it up as the eyeballs rolled out. An eerie sound echoed around me and the fog grew thicker.

"Get away from there!" I heard Drake shout, but I didn't listen. I stood there surrounded by the fog and the stench and I felt unbelievably safe. Turning around towards the direction of his voice, I seek him with my eyes. I turned with the head holding it in a powerful grip in my left hand. Drake wasn't alone, he stood with Charles, Marlon, Roman, Carlton, and a couple of others behind him.

"Where is Leon?"I asked smiling like a sick insane person.

"You know we can't-" but I interrupt him with a action that they didn't expect. I walked up to Carlton and sink my hands into his chest causing him to gasp and they all rushed at me. " Not another move teddy bears, His blood will be on you, and you, and alllllll of your hands," I said pointing at them with the head. Carlton struggled to speak as I hold his chordate tendineae between my fingers, rubbing them together.

They stood guarded around me, with their hands paused in the air, they stare at me ready to prance. Anyone could see he was respected, it is rare you find vampire respect by the wolves.

"It has happened, you have to listen to me Penny. Do not listen to your inner voice."

"Oh please, be quiet. when I needed you to talk you didn't even utter a word at least not what want you to talk about." I shrugged and remembering that I have Carlton life in my hands I pulled my bloody hand from his chest, causing him to gasp for air, holding on to his knees, the opening quickly closed.

"Now, it's time you listen to me, I want no one hunting for the dark lord, do I sound clear? I think I already know who it is. If I find out that anyone of you disobeys me, I promise I'll be your living nightmare, your walking destiny of death," I speak my words as empty as I felt. Holding my head high I looked at them, and they mumbled among themselves.

A young man looking around the age of twenty-six, rushed at me only he was too slow, grabbing him by his neck I hold him, he was light as a feather to my hands.

"You can't just walk in here, giving us orders, he was the one who ruined my life and now you sound just like fucking him!" He shouted, even though I squeezed my fingers around his throat. Without mercy, I shoved him away from me.

"Next time you won't be so lucky," I said throwing the head towards him and a couple of people in the crowd screamed and the sunflowers shifted as if a high wind as blown. They scurried away in fear and Drake backed away with them.

"Just as I thought."


"Did they buy it?" Leon asked.

"They did, of course, even I believed it my myself."


"Are you in on it?" I asked Carlton.

"Why not? I need to make sure I find the right mother fucker, pardon my language I don't curse everyday princess."

I smiled at him and turned my gaze to a gloomy Leon.

"Just make sure not to pull my heart out, my dead mother is a witch.She won't let you rest," Carlton said laughing. We were standing at the back of the school compound.

"I hope they don't hate me."

"Don't worry, they'll fear you and that's better than having them trying to kill you," Carlton said.


"Now let's call Carlton, us trio are going on an adventure, is that the right word?" and I took a sigh realizing that I almost kill Carlton due to our plan.


Penny and Carlton knows where Leon is 🙂 They made a plan but Penny almost loose control. I love it.


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