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This is one of my favorite chapters.

Loyal Ak

Leon's point of view

They surrounded us, covered in black cloth except for their eyes. They stretch their hands out. The sun was hot but a high cold wind rushed in around us. Old benches lift off the ground and some are scattered in pieces, leaves of all colors parted to one direction leaving a clear path to us. Their chantings got louder and Penny stood there in a trance, watching as her mother got sucked back by force. The heavy wind pulled her across the ground, on her belly she fights and screamed in terror. I shivered and hugged Penny to my chest.

"Penny? can you hear me?!" But then suddenly she lashed out of my arms and rushed toward the clan of witches.

"Arrrrrrrrgh!" she roared and shifted midair into the biggest wolf I've ever seen. Her paws hit the grown and I stumbled back way in fright. Shielding my eyes from the wind. Coward ness filled me up inside.

Even if you tried; they will easily kill you, don't you see you are weak? or maybe this is how you are going to die

I watched her charge into the gang of witches, immune to their power.

Oh shit, the spell

"Penny!"I shouted rushing into the gang after her with all my strength. I tried to enter her mind by force by I couldn't; my nose bled and my wolf sight was almost blind by her rage. There was no access to her brain. Like a roach in a fowl fight; I leap Infront of her, standing in the middle.

"Penny you are not yourself!" but without pity, she slammed my words away causing my wolf head to lean to the side.

"Look at you, so pathetic Leon Standford," A familiar voice said, "can't you see she doesn't need your help? or are you still Mr come to help us?" The one that is in control of the Spanish witches asked. A tall slender British lady, blond shoulder length and an eye so evil; that if you look too deeply it will skin you alive. A lady with an odor that describes fear, the most ruthless witch among all. Jessica Author, the devil that I was in love with once.

I shift into my body and stood before her.

"What are you doing here Jessica?" for more than five years I haven't seen her and now she is back, she is up to no good.

"Hands down sistas, and you can tell your baby to shift in her body now, we ain't here for her."

"You're damn right and don't think for a second that you'll get my mother either," I heard  Penny's voice hoarse and icy.

Jessica made a flip with her hand but nothing happened.
"You'll have to try harder than that because you have no power over me, I repeat none," and my eyes widen, and for the first time in history a glimpse of fear flashed across Jessica's features but she quickly dismiss and held her head high.

"Well if I can't hurt you, I won't promise not to hurt those around you," and she touched me on my forehead.

Drake's point of view

"What do you mean she's gone?!"

"Am not in charge of her, she put me to sleep and -" but I interrupt her.

"She didn't put you to sleep Florence, everyone knows that no one have that power over you."

"Well she ain't just anyone, she is Penny. I swear I was drunk and like a candle I was blown out."

"Fuck!" I rubbed my hands over my head and wipe my eyes in frustration.

"She might be out there doing only God knows what, she is under a spell Florence one fucking accident and she can easily kill everyone in this city including you!" I roared at her and she bowed her head.

"Am sorry."

"Come on,we are going to find her," and I pulled her off the sofa I could see she was still a little drunk

"Come on Florence step up."


I saw her leaning over a woman, sniffing with a broken look on her face.

"Penny?" and Florence and I rushed toward her. We kneeled down and I looked at her.

"Damn she looks like your twin." Florence muttered.

"They got Leon."


"Some Spanish witches and I have no idea where," Rising to her feet. Tears streaked down her cheeks, and she wiped her face. I got up and took a step toward her, but she suddenly struck out; she took hold of my shirt and send me flying across the schoolyard. I land on my back, my mouth opened in surprise. It took a moment for me to relax and then shift toward them again.

"Florence stay down."

"That's all you care about?for her to stay down?well stay away from my mother. Just back away," and like a leaf she throw Florence to the side. "She is dead!" she roared at the top of her lungs and I heard Florence gasp.

"She is gone, just like that!" and more tears ran down her cheeks, her voice icy and her face grim, her eyes glowed, her pupil black like night, her sclera and the rest of her eyes gleamed the colour of a dark red.

"Holy crap," Florence muttered as she step back.

holy crap indeed, my goodness

That's all I could think of.

"Am going to get her back, she have to be resurrected."

"Penny-" but she stopped me.

"I said I will do what I have to do! I'm going to get her back," and with that she took the dead woman and she was gone.

Florence stumbled against me holding my arms.

"Am weak as a almost dead rat," and I lift her up and sat her down on a broken bench.

"I don't know what to say, I have my mother to find, and Leon and now Penny I might as well loose myself ."

"You have me, and the others."

"Oh please Florence, I don't have you the way I want you and I have to respect that. Get your friends and enjoy yourself."

"The only friend I have is Penny and she is gone"

"What about the annoying twins?"

"They are okay, penny made me realize that it's not good to have friends as slaves, I liked them. I still talk to them Penny made me realize that I was too mean, she made me look into myself without telling me and I don't want to be that person anymore."

Well, that must be hard, for her to say. Ever since I know her, she had her bad sides. She walked around being the boss of the girls, she picked who she wanted and she use them, never have I ever heard her admit that's it's wrong.

"Well, call them, team-up you need them now, I'll get the boys to look for my mom."

"Mhmm, I'll try and get some sleep, I'll see you tomorrow."


I have down on the bed, the bed that I've laid Penny on and I heard my phone ring.


"We have found your mother, boss."The person on the other end says.


Damn, my back hurts, I've ben sitting for long while guys. Anyways enjoy reading. Remember  to vote and comment. I think I've made some errors but I'll check again later.

So they found his mom😬😣

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