Chapter 21

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Mika's POV

A knock on the door made me look up and recover from my trance-like state. I automatically frown when I spot Anna in the doorway. "How may I help you, Miss Lombardi?" I asked. "Mika, can I talk to you for a moment?" she asked. I stayed quiet and her face saddened. "I won't be long, I promise" she said again.

I gestured for her to take a seat. "So, I know that you don't have to do me any favors, but Domenico wasn't feeling very well, so he went home. The problem is that there is an urgent document that needs his signature. I have a meeting in five minutes, so I won't be able to take it to him. Would you please be so kind as to just take it to him and bring it back? I really wouldn't have asked you if there was another option" she rambled. "Sure, why not? I guess he's home?" I replied. By the look on her face I knew she didn't expect me to give in so easy. That made me smile. "Well, thank you. He'll be at home yes. Take my keys, all the drivers are out. I'll send you a message with the location, for in case you get lost" she said after clearing her throat. I just nodded and she left my office.

It really wasn't a long drive to his house. It felt good to be behind a steering wheel again. It's been a while since I drove myself. I inhaled sharply when I stopped in front of his home. "You can do this Mika" I said to myself as I took the document from the seat. When I reached the door, I straightened my now clean clothes and rang the doorbell. The door opened on the second ring, revealing a shirtless Domenico. I gulped as I took in his hard, muscular body. I looked up to his face and instantly regret it when I saw the desire in his eyes. His hand reached out and pulled me inside as he closed the door. I shivered when my body made contact with his. In an instant I was pushed against the door. My breathing became shallow, and the file fell from my limp hands when he pressed soft kisses against my neck. "I want you so bad, tesoro" he huskily said as his hands unbuttoned my shirt. Suddenly the thought of him and his fiancé doing the same made my body go rigid. Sensing the change in me, he pulled back and looked at me questioningly. "Anna sent a file for your signature Mr. Lombardi. Apparently, it's urgent" I said coldly. His face fell and without a word he picked up the file from the floor. He frowned when he looked at it. "What's wrong?" I asked. "What's wrong is that my sister is smarter than the both of us would give her credit for Miss Andrews" he said making me frown at the way he addressed me. "This is an old document. It's been reviewed during the time you went back home" he elaborated. "So why would she send me to you urgently with an old document?" I asked confused. "Seems like she's playing matchmaker" he chuckled. I huffed as I realized that I've been tricked. "Well sir, I guarantee you that no matches will be made today. Since this was an unnecessary trip, I'll take my leave" I stated annoyed.

"Please stay" he said softly as I reached to open the door. I paused and his arms circled me from behind. "Stay with me Mika, please. I don't know what to say to make this right and I don't want to make you promises that I don't know for sure I'll keep, but please stay. Even if it's just for today" he pleaded. I sigh as I leaned into his embrace. 

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